Review (May 2024)

Reporting important news other media ignore. clear, fact-based journalism without spin or hidden agendas: us, politics, china, world, opinion, business, science, art…


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What do we know about The Epoch Times?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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New York, United States


The Epoch Times: Reporting important news other media ignore. Clear, fact-based journalism without spin or hidden agendas: US, politics, China, world, opinion, business, science, art…

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Alexa Ranking: 812

What is The Epoch Times's Revenue?

The Epoch Times's estimated revenue for 2023 is $12.2M.

What does The Epoch Times do?

We are an international, independent, award-winning, multi-language media company in print and online, spanning 35 countries and 21 language editions. Epoch Times is the only multi-national newspaper that spans the entire globe. It is also the most widely distributed Chinese newspaper in the world. Freedom of the press and humanity are fundamental to the Epoch Times. Our newspaper was born to fill the void of truthful news coverage of events in China, where previously only propaganda and censorship existed. Having personally witnessed human rights tragedies like the Tiananmen Square Massacre and the persecution of the spiritual movement Falun Gong, and at great risk to themselves and their loved ones, a group of Chinese-Americans began publishing the Epoch Times in Chinese in the United States. Some reporters in China were subsequently jailed, and some suffered severe torture before disappearing altogether. Integrity and truthfulness in reporting, together with covering stories that really matter, are the central tenets of the Epoch Times. Our beginnings have instilled in Epoch Times staff an unwavering commitment to objective reporting and socially responsible business practices, as well as respect for human rights and freedom.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Theepochtimes?

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How fast is Theepochtimes growing?

Theepochtimes has grown by -40.2% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Theepochtimes?

Last month, Theepochtimes received 26M visitors who spent an average of 9.6 minutes on the website and visited 2.0 different pages per session. Overall, 62% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Theepochtimes?

19.1M people (72%) visit Theepochtimes directly. 1.5M (6%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 1.8M (7%) discover Theepochtimes through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 1.3M (5%) visitors come from Theepochtimes's email newsletters. Finally, 11.1k (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Theepochtimes?

Theepochtimes's top market is the United States and they receive 22.2M (84.1%) people.
Then the 2nd is Canada with 1.2M (4.5%).
The 3rd is is France with 400.3k (1.5%).

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The Epoch Times - Get Real News for $1

Get Real News Other Outlets Don't Report. Subscribe Now. Available in 50 States. Truthful Reporting. Independent. Factual. Options: Digital Subscription, Print Subscription.

The Epoch Times | Newspaper With Morality | Truth & Tradition‎

Tired of fake news and not knowing where to turn for unbiased accurate news? We get it. Try The Epoch Times for fact-based news and make up your mind. Only $1 by subscribing now. Advertise With Us. Sign Up For Updates.

The Epoch Times® | Truth & Tradition |

"I think your coverage is thoughtful and balanced in a way that I haven't seen elsewhere. And I say this, by the way, as a former senior vice president of CBS News." Independent. Fact-based. Non-partisan.

The Epoch Times Newspaper | Truth And Tradition‎

Tired of fake news? Get fact-based, real news delivered to you - Only $1. Don't miss out! Advertise With Us. Sign Up For Updates. Highlights: Founded In 2000, Committed To Being Respectful And Compassionate.

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"I think your coverage is thoughtful and balanced in a way that I haven't seen elsewhere. And I say this, by the way, as a former senior vice president of CBS News." Non-partisan. Fact-based. Independent.

What do Theepochtimes's customers say about them?

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Read reviews that mention

SCAM -- Cannot be cancelled! Will clog your inbox or junk mail folder with HUGE number of daily messages.

Reviewed on 2021-02-14T20:29:36

SCAM -- Cannot be cancelled! Will clog your inbox or junk mail folder with HUGE number of daily messages.Unless you are an ultra-right "wing nut," they have nothing to say to you.
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Mark Reichart

Like the content but HATE the customer…

Reviewed on 2021-02-01T01:43:41

Like the content but HATE the customer service. They are impossible to get a meaningful reply to ask a question.Its too bad I have to TRY to cancel. I liked the reporting.
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Chris Newman

This is the best news site I have seen

Reviewed on 2021-01-10T04:42:51

This is the best news site I have seen. It is well organized and very professional.I love the fact they are not connected to the massive fake news organizations (CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc.). The alerts and other features throughout the site are easy to use and see. Please keep up the great work!
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Kishore PV

They stick to the truth and tradition

Reviewed on 2021-01-05T00:53:42

They stick to the truth and tradition, which is what the world is lacking and needs.
Sven R Andersen-Berglund

They don't follow the mainstream media

Reviewed on 2020-11-30T01:53:42

They don't follow the mainstream media. They use logic and reason, and then come to and conclusion.Og you can use a term like that in politics and news inn i USA. Greetings from Norway
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Beware if you subscribe

Reviewed on 2020-08-23T16:33:05

Beware if you subscribe, their auto renew scam is a maddening waste of time and money.
Jason Vick

The Epoch Times and their terrible customer service

Reviewed on 2020-06-18T17:17:00

The Epoch Times claims to be completely non-biased in political media but is clearly far right based on my personal experience and apparently those of many others at this point.It’s very disappointing as I was so excited to finally find a trusted news source that leaned neither way, but simply reported the news as is. Plus, I subscribed just to get a personal experience with their journalism. Once I was satisfied and found them to actually be very biased, I wanted to cancel so I sent them an email to cancel my subscription. Not only did they not reply, but they continued to bill me. I received an alert on my phone for the next months charge, did more investigation, and found out that you are forced to call and wait on hold in order to cancel. So, I did this assuming they would at least honor my email and refund the charge, no worries. But, even after the Representative confirmed the email was in the system, under my profile, and received well before the due date for subscription payment, she still refused to refund my money. This is world class POOR customer service. Steer clear of The Epoch Times, even if you are a far right conservative. Their business practice and ethics were perfectly displayed to me when I wasn’t issued a refund. Cancelled my subscription, deleted my profile, deleted the app, and will make sure to inform as many people as I can about my poor experience. Thanks for listening!
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