Review (April 2024)

Entdecke handytarife, internet und tv im ausgezeichneten vodafone netz! jetzt handy + tarif auswählen & online zusätzlich sparen!


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What do we know about Vodafone Partneragentur Telekommunikationsagentur?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


Total Employees



Management Consulting


Dinslaken, Germany


Vodafone Partneragentur Telekommunikationsagentur: Der Kommunikationskonzern Vodafone Deutschland im Portrait: Infos zum Unternehmen und seinem Purpose, zu seinen Netzen, zu Jobs und Corporate News.

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Alexa Ranking: 3434

What is Vodafone Partneragentur Telekommunikationsagentur's Revenue?

Vodafone Partneragentur Telekommunikationsagentur's estimated revenue for 2023 is $580k.

What does Vodafone Partneragentur Telekommunikationsagentur do?

Vodafone Partneragentur Telekommunikationsagentur is a management consulting company based out of 2 Duisburger Str., Dinslaken, Germany.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Vodafone?

6/mo Traffic Growth


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Bounce Rate


How fast is Vodafone growing?

Vodafone has grown by 2.1% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Vodafone?

Last month, Vodafone received 28M visitors who spent an average of 3.7 minutes on the website and visited 4.0 different pages per session. Overall, 47% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Vodafone?

14.9M people (52%) visit Vodafone directly. 9.7M (34%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 221.2k (1%) discover Vodafone through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 757.8k (3%) visitors come from Vodafone's email newsletters. Finally, 567.5k (2.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Vodafone?

Vodafone's top market is the Germany and they receive 27.5M (97.0%) people.
Then the 2nd is Switzerland with 263.6k (0.9%).
The 3rd is is Austria with 164.5k (0.6%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

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What are Vodafone's ads on Google?

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Dein Kombi-Vorteil - Mobilfunk, Internet & TV

Kombiniere Mobilfunk, Internet & TV bei Vodafone und sicher Dir bis zu 15 € Kombi-Rabatt. Alles was Du brauchst aus einer Hand: Telefonieren, Unbegrenztes Surfen und Fernsehen. Bequemes Komplettpaket. Alles von Vodafone. Kombinieren & sparen.

Vodafone Kombi - Mobilfunk, Internet & TV -

Kombiniere Mobilfunk, Internet & TV bei Vodafone und sicher Dir bis zu 15 € Kombi-Rabatt. Alles was Du brauchst aus einer Hand: Telefonieren, Unbegrenztes Surfen und Fernsehen. Bis zu unlimited Daten. Kombi-Vorteile. Für zuhause & unterwegs. Bequemes Komplettpaket.

1 Jahr GigaTV geschenkt - Jetzt kombinieren und sparen

Du willst Internet & Festnetz + TV von Vodafone? Kombinieren lohnt sich für Dich. Kombiniere Deinen Red Internet & Phone Tarif mit GigaTV und erhalte 1 Jahr TV gratis.

Vodafone Kombi - Alles von Vodafone -

Kombiniere Mobilfunk, Internet & TV bei Vodafone und sicher Dir bis zu 15 € Kombi-Rabatt.

Keyword: internet tv deutschland

Dein Kombi-Vorteil - Mobilfunk, Internet & TV

Kombiniere Mobilfunk, Internet & TV bei Vodafone und sicher Dir bis zu 15 € Kombi-Rabatt. Alles was Du brauchst aus einer Hand: Telefonieren, Unbegrenztes Surfen und Fernsehen.

Keyword: german internet tv

What do Vodafone's customers say about them?

Review Score


Total Reviews



Vodafone Deutschland
5 Star
4 Star
3 Star
2 Star
1 Star
Read reviews that mention
Former Vodafone user

Earns the title of the worst service…

Reviewed on 2021-05-22T10:10:31

Earns the title of the worst service provider in the world. It doesn’t even deserve one star.

7,99€ for each received SMS outside EU ;)

Reviewed on 2021-05-19T16:52:55

While outside EU they made me pay for 2 SMSs I received, each SMS costed 7,99€. Yes,I paid 15,98€ for two not requested SMSs! Just canceled the contract after this robbery.
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Never ever again will I use Vodafone.

Reviewed on 2021-05-12T16:32:08

Never ever again will I use Vodafone.

Ständige Ausfälle, Low-quality

Reviewed on 2021-05-10T09:01:20

Ständige, stundenlange Ausfälle! Viel zu überteuerte Dienst"leistung", angemessen wäre in Centbereich: Low-quality Anbiter!Firmenmotto: "The future is exciting. Ready?" Exciting: NO, eher ärgerlich; Future: das hat vodafone definitive verpasst...
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Horrrrible useless, the state should stop this bloodsuckers

Reviewed on 2021-05-07T09:59:18

it is impossible to close a contract with vodafone, we live in a digital area they are supposed to be a high tec company,but they ask for you to send fisical letters to them.. now in corona time its even more crazy.. germany is supposed to be ahead of times but reality is THEY ARE STUCK IN THE MIDDLE AGES, so sad i hope i never deal with them again!
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Claudia Dresselhaus

I phone the hotline to confirm if the…

Reviewed on 2021-05-06T23:40:29

I phoned the hotline to confirm if the Vodafone employee , who was at my house was Mr Hoffmann.He refused to help me, accusing me that I was being unreasonable. I do not agree with this customer service. I cancelled my contract, because I am not allowed to know the Name of the person that helped me with Vodafone products.
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Alexander L'Heureux

Constant outages and bad customer service

Reviewed on 2021-05-05T21:23:28

I've been with Vodafone for over 2 years now and it's only been constant outages, extremely high ping/packet loss and customer service which takes forever that never leads to the issue being fixed.Overpriced for the mediocre internet speeds they offer in comparison with competition with the rest of the world. I would recommend using satellite internet from a provider in Asia or North America whenever satellite internet is obtainable in Germany.
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Claudia Staab-Weijnitz

Empty promises and lousy service

Reviewed on 2021-04-30T09:47:04

We have started our journey to get internet and DSL by Vodafone beginning of March.From their information after checking our address on their internet site we would be able to get a bandwidth of 250 MBit/s. One week later, they inform us they can't provide that, only up to 175 Mbit/s. Then the communication odyssey began: Information you send them per email does not end up in their system, you get pdfs sent per mail that tell you you should call them, you spend time waiting for the customer support to answer your call - and to cut a long story short, no help is given by them but you are supposed to give them more and more information, send (or FAX, I am not kidding, in 2021!) them useless letters, find out the details about the person who lived in the apartment before you. Almost two months later we still don't have internet and actually today they cancelled our order because they cannot give us more than the lowest bandwidth after all. Never again.
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