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What do we know about Society for American Baseball Research (SABR)?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Venture (Round not Specified) Dec 2020


Phoenix, United States


Society for American Baseball Research (SABR):

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Alexa Ranking: 203150

What is Society for American Baseball Research (SABR)'s Revenue?

Society for American Baseball Research (SABR)'s estimated revenue for 2023 is $10M.

What does Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) do?

If you're interested in baseball — writing about it, reading about it, talking about it — there's a place for you in the Society for American Baseball Research. SABR was formed in 1971 in Cooperstown, New York, with the mission of fostering the research and dissemination of the history and record of the game. Our members include everyone from academics to professional sportswriters to amateur historians and statisticians to students and casual fans who merely enjoy reading about baseball history and occasionally gathering with other members to talk baseball. SABR members have a variety of interests, and this is reflected in the diversity of its research committees. There are more than two dozen groups devoted to the study of a specific area related to the game — from Baseball and the Arts to Statistical Analysis to the Deadball Era to Women in Baseball. In addition, many SABR members meet formally and informally in regional chapters throughout the year and hundreds come together for the annual national convention, the organization's premier event. These meetings often include panel discussions with former major league players and research presentations by members. Most of all, SABR members love talking baseball with like-minded friends. What unites them all is an interest in the game and joy in learning more about it. Learn more or join at

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Sabr?

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How fast is Sabr growing?

Sabr has grown by -4.3% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Sabr?

Last month, Sabr received 248k visitors who spent an average of 2.3 minutes on the website and visited 2.0 different pages per session. Overall, 70% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Sabr?

65.2k people (26%) visit Sabr directly. 152.5k (61%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 5.9k (2%) discover Sabr through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 1.1k (0%) visitors come from Sabr's email newsletters. Finally, 0 (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Sabr?

Sabr's top market is the United States and they receive 224.3k (90.4%) people.
Then the 2nd is Canada with 4.5k (1.8%).
The 3rd is is United Kingdom with 1.9k (0.7%).

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