Review (April 2024)


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What do we know about Long Island University?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Higher Education


Brookville, United States


Long Island University:

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Alexa Ranking: 41440

What is Long Island University's Revenue?

Long Island University's estimated revenue for 2023 is $420.5M.

What does Long Island University do?

The mission of Long Island University is to provide access and excellence in private higher education to people from all backgrounds, who seek to expand their knowledge and prepare themselves for meaningful, educated lives, and for service to their communities and the world. In its ninth decade of providing access to the American dream through excellence in higher education, LIU is a multicampus, diverse, doctoral institution of higher learning. One of the largest and most comprehensive private universities in the country, the University offers almost 400 undergraduate, graduate and doctoral degree programs and certificates, and educates over 16,000 students in degree-credit and continuing education programs. Academic units include LIU Pharmacy (Arnold & Marie Schwartz College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences), which prepares students for successful careers in the fields of pharmacy and health care; LIU Global, which provides a wide range of study abroad options at overseas centers in China, Costa Rica and India, and through programs in Australia, Ecuador, Peru, Taiwan, Thailand and Turkey; and LIU Online, which harnesses the latest technology to offer online and blended programs. LIU's 800 full-time faculty members provide outstanding instruction, which is supplemented by internships and cooperative education opportunities. The accomplishments of more than 200,000 living alumni are a testament to the success of its mission – providing the highest level of education to people from all walks of life. The institution also provides enrichment for students and the community through the world-class arts programming at Tilles Center for the Performing Arts at LIU Post, NCAA Division I and II athletic teams and the nationally renowned George Polk Awards in journalism.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Liu?

6/mo Traffic Growth


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How fast is Liu growing?

Liu has grown by 94.5% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Liu?

Last month, Liu received 840k visitors who spent an average of 6.5 minutes on the website and visited 6.0 different pages per session. Overall, 26% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Liu?

498.3k people (59%) visit Liu directly. 218.3k (26%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 14.8k (2%) discover Liu through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 89.1k (11%) visitors come from Liu's email newsletters. Finally, 165.2 (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Liu?

Liu's top market is the United States and they receive 801.4k (95.4%) people.
Then the 2nd is India with 5.9k (0.7%).
The 3rd is is Ghana with 4.6k (0.5%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

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What are Liu's ads on Google?

Google Ads

Long Island University - Fashion Merchandising Program

Meet the leaders in fashion during industry trips & manage the on-campus student boutique. Study in New York, the fashion capital of the world. Apply Online. Personalized Education. Experiential Learning.

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Long Island University -

MA Speech Language Pathology - Long Island University

Observe & participate in clinical sessions at the on-campus Speech and Hearing Center

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Win Scholarships and Awards - Public Speaking Contest

Long Island University - MA Speech Language Pathology

Observe & participate in clinical sessions at the on-campus Speech and Hearing Center. Ranked in the the top 100 graduate programs in Speech-Language Pathology nationwide.


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