Review (May 2024)

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How fast is Happiestbaby growing?

Happiestbaby has grown by 21.5% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Happiestbaby?

Last month, Happiestbaby received 154k visitors who spent an average of 0.9 minutes on the website and visited 1.0 different pages per session. Overall, 74% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Happiestbaby?

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Who uses Happiestbaby?

Happiestbaby's top market is the Kazakhstan and they receive 73.8k (48.0%) people.
Then the 2nd is Uzbekistan with 60.9k (39.6%).
The 3rd is is Qatar with 6k (3.9%).

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Great books, avoid the swaddles...

Reviewed on 2021-04-04T06:21:27

We bought sever of the baby swaddles for our new born as we had found the books from Dr Harvey Karp useful. Unfortunately,we weren't aware of hip dangers of tight swaddling devices like these - naively assuming that anything that could cause damage wouldn't be licensed for sale. Although we found these swaddles great for sleep, we didn't realise the damage that they may contribute to our baby's develpment. When we went for a routine hip scan when the baby was 6 weeks all, it showed immature hip development, particularly in one hip - we were devastated as they suggested we were likely to need treatment to rectify using a harness. When looking at causes we discussed that we had been using these swaddles, and we decided to put off major treatment in favour of stopping use of these for a few weeks. Bingo! In just two weeks there was a massive improvement in the hip, and at that appointment we were advised our treatment plan was now to continue to stop using these swaddles.... 4 weeks later the hip had developed way into the normal range without any interventions other than stopping use of these, and we were discharged. Maybe there were other things at play but simply removing these from our routine made all the difference - I would therefore not recommend these to any parent. Instead chose ones where there is a very obvious spacious area for legs to assume a natural frog leg leg position that is not possible in these - ones that reference HDD in their bios. Unfortunately for us as we were so impressed after the first few weeks with that sleep benefits we ordered them in larger sizes, which will now just have to go in the bin (and they were not cheap!) we wouldn't want to give these to charity/sell these to other parents as we wouldn't want any risk to their babies. What's also really frustrating is that after a certain time you cannot write a product review on their website - so in my view that may unnaturally bias the reviews in favour of positive ones - if I'd have reviewed this earlier, my review would have been glowing till we realised the hip harm. Now I'm unable to share my concerns and review with them or their customers.
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