Review (April 2024)

Dnb - norges største bank. samle alle dine banktjenester hos oss og få våre beste råd tilpasset din økonomi.


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What do we know about DNB?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Financial Services


DNB: Hos oss kan du beregne og søke lån, prøve valuta- og lånekalkulator og utføre daglige banktjenester. Ring oss på 915 04800.

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Alexa Ranking: 19400

What is DNB's Revenue?

DNB's estimated revenue for 2023 is $6.17B.

What does DNB do?

DNB is a financial services group that offers financial services through mobile, online banking, bank offices, and international offices. The Group provides a full range of financial services, including loans, savings, advisory services, insurance, and pension products for retail and corporate customers. The company’s personal banking products and services include savings and investment products. DNB offers its products and services to various sectors, including financial institutions, energy, manufacturing, healthcare, packaging, and forest products, shipping, offshore, and logistics, seafood, and telecom, media, and technology. They also distribute its products and services through its branches, in-store postal and banking outlets, and post office counters. DNB was founded in 1822 and is headquartered in Oslo, Norway.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Dnb?

6/mo Traffic Growth


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Bounce Rate


How fast is Dnb growing?

Dnb has grown by 9.0% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Dnb?

Last month, Dnb received 10M visitors who spent an average of 6.0 minutes on the website and visited 8.0 different pages per session. Overall, 25% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Dnb?

7.8M people (78%) visit Dnb directly. 1.7M (17%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 221.8k (2%) discover Dnb through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 169.2k (2%) visitors come from Dnb's email newsletters. Finally, 15.3k (0.2%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Dnb?

Dnb's top market is the Norway and they receive 9.4M (94.5%) people.
Then the 2nd is Sweden with 129.2k (1.3%).
The 3rd is is Poland with 58.5k (0.6%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

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What are Dnb's ads on Google?

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Indeksfond hos DNB - Start sparingen nå - Se våre fond her

Vi har satt ned prisene på en rekke av våre indeksfond i 2019. Fondet DNB Global Indeks fikk i 2019 terningkast 6 av Dine Penger.

Fordyp deg i analyser | Innsikt i finansielle temaer

Vert for sendingen er Shakeb Syed og hovedtemaet er bærekraftig vekst etter pandemien. Gode råd om investeringer har fått et hjem. Tjenester: Fond, Aksjefond, Indeksfond.

DNB Invest - Fordyp deg i analyser

Gode råd om investeringer har fått et hjem. Få innsikt fra noen av Norges mest kjente investorer, og fordyp deg i markedsrapporter. Tjenester: Aksjer, Fond, Investeringer.

DNB Invest - Fordyp deg i markedsrapporter

Gode råd om investeringer har fått et hjem. Få innsikt fra noen av Norges mest kjente investorer, og fordyp deg i markedsrapporter. Tjenester: Aksjer, Fond, Investeringer.

Fordyp deg i analyser - Innsikt i finansielle temaer

Vert for sendingen er Shakeb Syed og hovedtemaet er bærekraftig vekst etter pandemien. Gode råd om investeringer har fått et hjem. Tjenester: Fond, Aksjefond, Indeksfond.

Keyword: invest in norway

What do Dnb's customers say about them?

Review Score


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Solo Practice Law Firm

DNB's Website Information is Unreliable

Reviewed on 2021-06-08T22:19:13

DNB had two outdated addresses on their webpage for my business. One listing had my home address.I called to resolve the matter and find out how my home address was listed as my business address. In my business, this puts myself and my family at risk considering the population I serve. I was told that there is no way to confirm where the information came from because the information is obtained from multiple resources. I asked about the reliability of the resources and was told they cannot confirm the information obtained from the resources. I was given a link to "edit" the information. I was required to created an account with updated business information. From this point, there was still not a way to correct my incorrect listings. This company is posting unreliable information. Now, I am having to waste precious time to figure this out. Time = money. Time figuring this out is losing me money. DNB is not the credible institution that I thought it was.
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Phil D

You are not a customer you are the underdog.

Reviewed on 2021-06-01T19:29:16

20 minutes waiting in a queue to only have some hostile person refuse to help me because I don't usemy account enough!
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Worst customer service bank

Reviewed on 2021-04-21T19:38:10

Worst customer service bank in the country, even worse when they had a local Office where i live.Almost had to crawl in there begging to get money. Same today, they need your kidney for security i you want 10 dollars. only way to have a good experience is if you where born rich or your uncle works there
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Jon Baelum

Shady company.

Reviewed on 2021-02-11T12:08:21

Worst experience ever. Somehow all my payments are late (they were not), they charge service fee's every month just so you are able to pay,and sneak in hidden payments of "låneskyddsförsäkring" that I never asked for. Avoid this company. I hope the relevant authorities take a good look at the company and make sure they comply with consumer protection.
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Никита Фомин

"Excellent" customer support

Reviewed on 2021-01-14T12:43:22

Tried to open foreign currency account. On a call I was told that the interest rate can never benegative on such an account. Some time later I received papers from DNB according to which it seemed that I will always have negative interest rate. All right. Trying to reach them via customer service. The first two calls they just hung up after my greeting back. Then I spent about 3 hours in a call most waiting for someone to answer. I was redirected to different departments 5 times. On the last attempt they started to send me back to the departments I have already talked. As result I wasted 3 hours and did not get an answer for a single simple question.
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Mos Fit Yih

Very bad service from their call…

Reviewed on 2020-10-11T16:28:30

Very bad service from their call center. They better to close it and announce for No service.Their customer service agents are very arrogant and unhappy to receive calls. It is the bank of " No service". I don't know why the management does not care about the bad review given to this Bank. Do something and fix the broken service, train your agents to handle with smile and go extramile to fix customers' issues.
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Probably the worse bank in Norway

Reviewed on 2020-07-25T12:03:15

Probably the worse bank in Norway. They actually charge you to keep your money there.All their services are overpriced while they offer some of the worse intrests.And good luck with getting any help from them.Their costumer support is completelly incompetent and unhelpfull,it feels like talking to a robot.
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Aldri DNB Kunde

Tried their "customer service" today

Reviewed on 2020-06-17T08:55:41

Tried their "customer service" today, and it is horrendous. You can't chat with them,only a horrible robot that does not want to help. You can't call them, only a terrible robot that does not want to help. Actually had the robot hang up on me. How the F*** do you expect anyone to get into contact with you, or is that the overall plan? Make the experience so horrible and appaling that people avoid contacting you. Get your s*** together, this is so below standard I'm genuinely shocked. Not only will I never ever use any of their services again, I will actively not-recomend it to anyone willing to listen.
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