Review (May 2024)

Get natural, clinically-dosed, and research-backed supplements to solve your hormonal issues and achieve total health and hormone optimization.


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What do we know about UMZU?

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Health Wellness And Fitness


Boulder, United States


UMZU: Get natural, clinically-dosed, and research-backed supplements to solve your hormonal issues and achieve Total Health and Hormone Optimization.

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Alexa Ranking: 31331

What is UMZU's Revenue?

UMZU's estimated revenue for 2023 is $1.74M.

What does UMZU do?

Years ago a young neuroscience student, Christopher Walker, was diagnosed with a tumor on his pituitary gland. The tumor caused Chris's hormonal health to suffer a great deal. Doctors responded by trying different synthetic hormone solutions, but Chris held a strong belief that a natural solution - one without side effects - must exist. Using all of the research tools available to him during his time at Duke University, Chris set off to find a natural hormone solution. He researched clinical studies and organized them in a way that, when systematically used together, ultimately cured him of his hormonal imbalances. Chris later thought,"Well, if it helped me in this way, it might help other men too." So he decided to publish his findings to help men across the world and build a trusted community of like-minded people following the path to natural hormonal health. After some time, students of Chris began sending emails in to inquire about two things. #1 - Requests that he use his research to create supplements. Although the organized research was helping people to take the right dosages of the ingredients they needed, it was still difficult for his readers to find these quality ingredients without fillers or other ingredients that negatively impacted the hormonal goals promised by other supplement companies. #2 - Female hormonal health assistance. The viewers of his material were experiencing personal success with their own hormonal health and were seeking similar research-backed information and supplements geared to help their wives, girlfriends, mothers, and daughters, so they too, could find a solution to the symptoms they were experiencing from hormonal imbalance. So Chris enlisted the combined efforts ofour team who together with their expertise and years of experience created is the place where both men and women can go to naturally reclaim their hormonal balance through clinical research-backed products. What You Can Expect From Truth Nutraceuticals Research-backed Supplements Only: Every supplement contains clinical doses of quality ingredients, without any fillers. A Culture of Transparency: There are NO "proprietary formulas" at Truth Nutraceutical; every ingredient in our formulations are published with the exact dosage. The supplement industry has a history of using "proprietary formulas" and research shows that most companies using proprietary formulas typically have fillers, harmful ingredients, or improper dosages in their supplements. Just the Facts: There is zero hype in the content you'll review on our site. Everything you read, watch, or listen to, is here to help you make the right decision to naturally improve your hormonal health. We don't believe in hype; we know if we can educate you on how to reach your hormonal goals, we are building a relationship with you that will last a lifetime. A Complete Hormonal Solution Provided With Every Purchase: Every time you investment in a Truth Nutraceutical supplement, you will also receive educational support that empowers you to reach your hormonal goals. Hormonal health is achieved by evolving your lifestyle, and although supplements play a big role, we have systems in place that are designed to help you get more from the supplementation you'll be taking. You can expect to receive a complete education on everything you need to do to reach your hormonal goal, as well as complimentary updates every time our team finds a new discovery in your area of interest.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Umzu?

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How fast is Umzu growing?

Umzu has grown by 225.8% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Umzu?

Last month, Umzu received 3M visitors who spent an average of 2.2 minutes on the website and visited 1.0 different pages per session. Overall, 76% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Umzu?

778.9k people (31%) visit Umzu directly. 683.1k (27%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 368.1k (15%) discover Umzu through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 59.8k (2%) visitors come from Umzu's email newsletters. Finally, 607.7k (24.1%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Umzu?

Umzu's top market is the United States and they receive 2.4M (94.6%) people.
Then the 2nd is Canada with 15.1k (0.6%).
The 3rd is is United Kingdom with 10.8k (0.4%).

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