Review (April 2024)

Better education home


Estimated Revenue


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What do we know about Better Education Pty Ltd?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Education Management


Melbourne, Australia


Better Education Pty Ltd: Better Education Home

Social Links

Alexa Ranking: 162778

What is Better Education Pty Ltd's Revenue?

Better Education Pty Ltd's estimated revenue for 2023 is $1.16M.

What does Better Education Pty Ltd do?

Better Education is a free online community for students, parents, teachers, schools, tutors, music teachers, coaches (academic, sports, fitness, arts, extra/co-curriculum, adult, professional) and anybody else involved in learning and teaching. Better Education provides informative and comparative school results (VCE, HSC, QCE, WACE, ATAR, NAPLAN etc), including school rankings or ratings and lists of best performing schools, to parents wanting to make choices about schooling for their children. Better Education also provides information on private school scholarships and selective school or Select Entry Accelerated Learning tests, a discussion forum and education resources. In addition, Better Education offers free service to the community in Australia and abroad by answering questions via the education forum and emails. Since the inception in May 2008, Better Education website reached more than 33 million visitors (145 million page views) and tens of thousands of members/subscribers. Now the site attracts more than 350K visitors (new visitor ratio is about 60%), 1,500,000 page views in a typical month, as many as 15,000 (up to 42,000) users a day. There are more than 50,000 pages indexed by search engines. It's still growing. Also our contents are referenced in hundreds of websites including Wikipedia and discussed in hundreds of on-line forums. Better Education Books is a bookstore with student and teacher books from primary to higher education.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Bettereducation?

6/mo Traffic Growth


All Time Traffic Growth

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Monthly Hits


Time on Site


Bounce Rate


How fast is Bettereducation growing?

Bettereducation has grown by -23.1% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Bettereducation?

Last month, Bettereducation received 333k visitors who spent an average of 2.4 minutes on the website and visited 2.0 different pages per session. Overall, 52% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Bettereducation?

43.4k people (13%) visit Bettereducation directly. 283.5k (85%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 1.5k (0%) discover Bettereducation through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 2.5k (1%) visitors come from Bettereducation's email newsletters. Finally, 0 (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Bettereducation?

Bettereducation's top market is the Australia and they receive 302k (90.6%) people.
Then the 2nd is United States with 4.9k (1.5%).
The 3rd is is New Zealand with 4.5k (1.3%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

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