Review (May 2024)


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What are the monthly traffic metrics for Zwift?

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How fast is Zwift growing?

Zwift has grown by -38.8% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Zwift?

Last month, Zwift received 912k visitors who spent an average of 3.1 minutes on the website and visited 4.0 different pages per session. Overall, 40% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Zwift?

457.5k people (50%) visit Zwift directly. 346k (38%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 18.9k (2%) discover Zwift through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 23.2k (3%) visitors come from Zwift's email newsletters. Finally, 2.8k (0.3%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Zwift?

Zwift's top market is the United States and they receive 226.4k (24.8%) people.
Then the 2nd is United Kingdom with 106.6k (11.7%).
The 3rd is is Germany with 80k (8.8%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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What do Zwift's customers say about them?

Review Score


Total Reviews



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Read reviews that mention
James Chung

The product itself is okay...but company is not managed to last

Reviewed on 2021-03-25T23:28:59

The product itself is okay. 3 out of 5 stars. So, it's worth a gym membership fee. But,Zwift will never become successful like because its leaders must be techies who like to ride indoors (i.e., not good business people). They are not customer-centric at all. The sign-up is wonky. They blame Apple and Google for payment systems for hiccups and confusing 7-day trial terms. I have iPad, Android phones, PCs, MacBooks, etc. The sensors they recommend don't work like documented consistently. Keep it simple and just tell the customers to use the ANT+ stuff that works better than BLEs. Wasted time here... The add-on products such as Zwift Runpod are out of stock forever. No excuse for any companies in 2021 to have supply chain issues. And their customer service reps are robotic-like Star Trek Borgs, and they do not show any empathy, sympathy, or care to "make customers happy." Pennywise and pound foolish are what come to mind. My experience is so bad with Zwift that I'd spend more money with Peloton than continue with Zwift. But, if you must ride or run indoors with virtual people like a video game, the go for it...there are many people on Zwift that tolerate the company.
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Nick Phillips

Truly appalling service

Reviewed on 2021-03-11T12:45:18

Truly appalling service. I have paid for subscription with zero change in how I access and use Zwift- this is con!!
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Michael C


Reviewed on 2021-03-09T21:23:14

Having checked the site daily for weeks waiting for the NPE Runn to come back into stock,I bought one the first day it became available again, it was promptly shipped to the UK where it was then unfortunately picked up by Hermes. Over three weeks without an update and several emails to the Zwift support team later I've finally been told that it's been lost in transit, exactly one month after purchase. The product is once again out of stock so they are unable to even ship a replacement. Hermes are notoriously useless but waiting over three weeks for confirmation of what was obvious within days of the shipping updates ceasing is frankly unacceptable. Although the main issue is the need for a more reliable courier service, the customer service was also lax and, had Zwift pushed for a response sooner, they could have resolved this while they still had the product in stock.
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George Velcich

Account and login problems never resolved

Reviewed on 2021-02-27T19:01:18

During trial membership, had a good experience riding - trainer resistance changes were very realistic.Lack of signage and directions leads to some confusion, but overall, good workout. However, account support was useless. Initially, I was unable to sign in online or with Companion app. I could only log in on Zwift app. They discovered a typo in my email address, but couldn't help me correct it and never did. Also, then things got worse. Like other reviewers here, I subscribed during the free 7-day trial period, but Zwift did not recognize my payment and terminated my login in privileges when the trial expired. A week-long string of emails with friendly and fairly responsive support personnel didn't accomplish a thing. They said they wanted to help, but were powerless. Finally cancelled the account and deleted the apps from my devices. Too bad - I enjoyed the riding, but they would not resolve a crucial issue.
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Payment issues

Reviewed on 2021-02-14T20:36:15

Started using Zwift 3 weeks ago with a free trial. Completed the payment when the trial ran out.I paid on Feb 7. subscription activated on feb 12, next payment scheduled for March 1. Contacted support to mention this. They replied they knew there was an issue with the payment but could do nothing about it because I payed with Bancontact. Replied them I'll be using BKOOL from know on, never really liked Zwift anyway, it's to cartoon-like.
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Jeroen Nuyens

Super fast delivery

Reviewed on 2021-02-06T08:45:22

I ordered a Wahoo Kickr Core on 20th of January in the early afternoon and the next day it was already delivered!Excellent service in my experience...
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John Rogers

I love it

Reviewed on 2021-01-30T20:06:36

I love it. I have used Zwift for a couple of years, on and off. I usually use it when using rollersand the clever software does the calculations to speed my up going downhills and slow me down going uphill. I have been so impressed that now I am investing in a Tacx Neo 2. Keep up the great work Zwift.
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Greg Reynolds

Good so far. UI need an update.

Reviewed on 2021-01-28T20:37:49

Good so far. The UI need a lot of work though. Surprised that something that has been around for quieta while now has such an illogical interface.
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