Review (April 2024)

Local news, national news, video, government and politics news, business news, crime and justice news, education news, health news, ohio news, kentucky news, us and world news, obituaries, weather, traffic, sports, cincinnati, ohio, northern kentucky, indiana, wcpo 9 news,


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What do we know about WCPO 9 News?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Broadcast Media


Cincinnati, United States


WCPO 9 News: Local News, National News, Video, Government and Politics News, Business News, Crime and Justice News, Education News, Health News, Ohio News, Kentucky News, US and World News, Obituaries, Weather, Traffic, Sports, Cincinnati, Ohio, Northern Kentucky, Indiana, WCPO 9 News,

Social Links

Alexa Ranking: 275135

What is WCPO 9 News's Revenue?

WCPO 9 News's estimated revenue for 2023 is $9.7M.

What does WCPO 9 News do?

Owned and operated by The E.W. Scripps Company, WCPO 9 News stands at the forefront of the broadcast industry. WCPO 9 News is a strong brand in the Cincinnati/Tri-State region, known for its consumer and breaking news, severe weather coverage and relentless advocacy work. I-Team investigations include Don't Waste Your Money, a nationally recognized watchdog brand. The station produces 40 hours of newscasts every week and constantly explores opportunities for live streaming during breaking news and severe weather. WCPO is at the forefront of how digital and broadcast can work together. The city's population is about 300,000. The metropolitan area, which includes 15 counties, has a population of approximately 2.1 Forbes magazine named Cincinnati the 5th most affordable metropolitan area in the U.S., the 9th best city for raising a family and the 9th safest city in the U.S. The Cincinnati region is full of neighborhoods with distinct personalities, from downtown areas with urban nightlife, to backyard ball-playing suburbs and walkable neighborhoods with local coffee shops and tree-lined streets. At the heart of the Tri-State region, Kentucky is just across the Ohio river from Cincinnati and Indiana is 20 minutes away from downtown, giving plenty of options to live within a short commute of work. Cincinnati has more Fortune 500 companies per capita than Los Angeles, New York or Chicago; it's also home to two Fortune 100 companies and 14 Fortune 1000 companies. There's a thriving entrepreneurial spirit in the Queen City, with CNNMoney calling Cincinnati "one of six American cities where startups are thriving."

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Wcpo?

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How fast is Wcpo growing?

Wcpo has grown by 11.5% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Wcpo?

Last month, Wcpo received 2M visitors who spent an average of 1.4 minutes on the website and visited 1.0 different pages per session. Overall, 69% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Wcpo?

1.4M people (57%) visit Wcpo directly. 762.8k (32%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 199.1k (8%) discover Wcpo through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 19k (1%) visitors come from Wcpo's email newsletters. Finally, 1.8k (0.1%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Wcpo?

Wcpo's top market is the United States and they receive 2.3M (96.7%) people.
Then the 2nd is Canada with 18k (0.7%).
The 3rd is is United Kingdom with 9.4k (0.4%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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