Review (May 2024)

Enjoy healthy, delicious vegan meals without all the prep - just heat and eat. choose from 50+ flavorful chef-prepared dishes, with dietary preference-friendly options available.


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What do we know about Veestro?

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Food Production

Last Funding Date

Venture (Round not Specified) Apr 2020


Vernon, United States


Veestro: Enjoy vegan meal delivery service from home. Choose from 50+ flavorful chef-prepared dishes for breakfast, lunch or dinner, with dietary preference-friendly options available. Just heat and eat!

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Alexa Ranking: 524726

What is Veestro's Revenue?

Veestro's estimated revenue for 2023 is $2M.

What does Veestro do?

Veestro won the 2017 Veggie Award for Best Meal Delivery Service! Veestro offers delicious plant-based meals, made fresh and delivered to your door frozen. Healthy, heat-and-eat meals for busy people. Our Story: Mark and Monica had grown up in Costa Rica, where fresh, home-cooked meals with tons of vegetables and fruit were the daily normal. It's also where that happy, healthy outlook called pura vida was a way of life. When Mark was in banking, he daily found himself in the modern life dilemma: time-starved and hungry. The fast meals weren't healthy. The healthy meals weren't fast. To some, it's a problem. To Mark, it was a business need. So after he left the corporate world, he began putting his skills into a business people were hungry for. He raised funds, negotiated contracts, built a facility and called on the best marketing and sales person he knew. His sister, Monica. Together, they created Veestro. Now, Mark and Monica are bringing some of that pura vida to modern American life. Veestro is about what feeds us, body and soul—delicious, organic, healthy, sustainable, from plants. And it's fully prepared for any time we need to eat it. Mark and Monica like to think of Veestro as pura vida, right to your doorstep. And feeding your happy makes them very happy.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Veestro?

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How fast is Veestro growing?

Veestro has grown by 66.0% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Veestro?

Last month, Veestro received 82k visitors who spent an average of 2.0 minutes on the website and visited 2.0 different pages per session. Overall, 54% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Veestro?

27k people (33%) visit Veestro directly. 26.3k (32%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 2k (2%) discover Veestro through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 1.8k (2%) visitors come from Veestro's email newsletters. Finally, 18.2k (22.1%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Veestro?

Veestro's top market is the United States and they receive 74.3k (90.2%) people.
Then the 2nd is India with 1.6k (1.9%).
The 3rd is is Canada with 1.4k (1.7%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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What are Veestro's ads on Google?

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Vegan Meals Delivered | Try 6 Meals For Only $49‎

The Most Delicious Vegan Meals Delivered. Chef Crafted Meals Ready To Heat, Eat And Love! 100% Plant-Based. Veg News Award Winner. No Preservatives. Fully Cooked. Organic Ingredients. Types: Country Fried Chick'n, Enchilada Casserole, Thai Chick'n Stew, P

Veestro - Vegan Food Delivery

Delicious Vegan Meal Delivery. Chef Crafted Meals Ready To Heat, Eat And Love! We Cook & Deliver 100% Vegan Ready to Eat Meals Nationwide. Order Today! Veg News Award Winner.

Vegan Meal Delivery -

The Most Delicious Vegan Meal Delivery. Chef Crafted Meals Ready To Heat, Eat And Love!

Keyword: vegan meal delivery

Veestro™ Feed Your Happy - Healthy Plant Based Meal Plans

Pick From A Variety Of Healthy Organic Plant Based Meals. Delivered To You, Ready To Eat!

Vegetarian Meal Delivery - Try Veestro™

Enjoy The Best Plant-Based Meals At Home. Choose From 50+ Chef-Crafted, Flavorful Dishes. Freshly Cooked With Locally Sourced, Organic Ingredients. Try Veestro Today ...


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