Review (May 2024)

Tartu ülikool on baltimaade juhtiv ülikool, kuuludes ainukesena regioonis maailma 1,2% parima sekka. tü maailmatasemel haridus annab eelise kogu eluks!


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What do we know about University of Tartu?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Higher Education


Tartu, Estonia


University of Tartu: Tartu Ülikool on Baltimaade juhtiv ülikool, kuuludes ainukesena regioonis maailma 1,2% parima sekka. TÜ maailmatasemel haridus annab eelise kogu eluks!

Social Links

Alexa Ranking: 387093

What is University of Tartu's Revenue?

University of Tartu's estimated revenue for 2023 is $304.5M.

What does University of Tartu do?

- The largest and most comprehensive university in Estonia and one of the most respectable centres of education and research in Central and Eastern Europe - The oldest university in Estonia: founded in 1632 by King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden - Belongs to the top 1.2% of world's best universities by ranking (321th in the QS World University Rankings 2018 and within the 301–350 range in the THE World University Rankings 2018); - Placed 5th in the QS University Rankings: Emerging Europe and Central Asia (QS University Rankings: EECA); - 4 faculties - Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty Science and Technology; - 27 bachelor's and master's programmes in English and more than 30 international PhD programmes; - 13,000 students (including 1800 international students from 105 countries); - Belongs to the top 1% of the world's most-cited universities and research institutions in the fields of Clinical Medicine, Chemistry, Environment/Ecology, Plant and Animal Science, Geosciences, Social Sciences (general), Biology and Biochemistry and Engineering (ISI Web of Science); - Nobel Prize in 1909 (Wilhelm Ostwald, founder of Physical Chemistry);

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Ut?

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How fast is Ut growing?

Ut has grown by 3.8% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Ut?

Last month, Ut received 3M visitors who spent an average of 9.5 minutes on the website and visited 7.0 different pages per session. Overall, 30% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Ut?

1.8M people (70%) visit Ut directly. 627k (24%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 71.7k (3%) discover Ut through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 38.4k (1%) visitors come from Ut's email newsletters. Finally, 286.1 (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Ut?

Ut's top market is the Estonia and they receive 2.3M (87.3%) people.
Then the 2nd is United States with 37.4k (1.4%).
The 3rd is is Germany with 22.3k (0.9%).

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