Review (April 2024)

Tv 2 er danskernes kilde til aktuelle nyheder, sport, vejr og underholdning. på kan du også se tv 2s populære programmer og kanaler.


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What do we know about TV 2 DANMARK A/S?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Broadcast Media


Odense, Denmark


TV 2 DANMARK A/S: TV 2 er danskernes kilde til aktuelle nyheder, sport, vejr og underholdning. På kan du også se TV 2s populære programmer og kanaler.

Social Links

Alexa Ranking: 3990

What is TV 2 DANMARK A/S's Revenue?

TV 2 DANMARK A/S's estimated revenue for 2023 is $208M.

What does TV 2 DANMARK A/S do? is the official website of the Danish publicly-owned television station TV2. The TV station airs news, documentaries, sports programs, entertainment programs, children’s programs, Danish fiction, movies, and more. TV2 was launched in 1988 and is owned by TV 2 Danmark A/S, a media company based in Odense, Denmark.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Tv2?

6/mo Traffic Growth


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Bounce Rate


How fast is Tv2 growing?

Tv2 has grown by 12.0% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Tv2?

Last month, Tv2 received 47M visitors who spent an average of 4.4 minutes on the website and visited 3.0 different pages per session. Overall, 42% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Tv2?

34.1M people (73%) visit Tv2 directly. 6.8M (14%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 5.7M (12%) discover Tv2 through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 108.1k (0%) visitors come from Tv2's email newsletters. Finally, 25.2k (0.1%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Tv2?

Tv2's top market is the Denmark and they receive 45.5M (97.0%) people.
Then the 2nd is United Kingdom with 211.6k (0.5%).
The 3rd is is Sweden with 179.5k (0.4%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

See 12/mo Traffic Stats

What are Tv2's ads on Google?

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Se TV 2 SPORT online - Køb adgang her fra 49 kr./MD.

Stream alt det bedste fra TV 2. Tilmeld dig TV 2 PLAY her og begynd at streame i dag. Tag TV 2 PLAY med i hele EU - Se snigpremierer - Vælg mellem mere end 10.000 programmer. Kæmpe udvalg. Vælg selv dine kanaler. Mobil, Tablet, PC & TV. Ingen binding.

TV 2 PLAY | Køb adgang her fra 49 kr./MD.

Stream alt det bedste fra TV 2. Tilmeld dig TV 2 PLAY her og begynd at streame i dag. Tag TV 2 PLAY med i hele EU - Se snigpremierer - Vælg mellem mere end 10.000 programmer. Chromecast kompatibelt. Mobil, Tablet, PC & TV. Ingen binding. Hele TV2's Arkiv.

Keyword: tv2 play danmark

TV 2 PLAY - Få TV 2 PLAY fra kun 49 kr/MD.

Stream alt det bedste fra TV 2. Tilmeld dig TV 2 PLAY her og begynd at streame i dag. Tag TV 2 PLAY med i hele EU - Se snigpremierer - Vælg mellem mere end 10.000 programmer. Når du vil, hvor du vil. Vælg selv dine kanaler. Stream TV2 PLAY i hele EU. Hele TV2's Arkiv. Kæmpe udvalg.

Keyword: tv2 play dk

What do Tv2's customers say about them?

Review Score


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TV 2
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Read reviews that mention

Worst journalism. Ever.

Reviewed on 2020-03-26T17:13:52

Probably the worst journalism in Denmark. They are extremely bias and also they are not kind towards minorities.The worst reporter they have is Mirco Reimer-Elster. I have multiple times read an article and thought to myself that it's him who wrote it. When I scroll up, sure enough it's him! He is so bias and been wrong so many times about American politics. I can't even comprehend why they would hire such a bad bias reporter.. And for taking a movie down because of Corona is the most ridiculous thing ever. I have never seen Kingsman, noir am I interested in doing so. But taking it down it's plainly ridiculous. How the hell can this movie offend anyone? I did my research and looked the movie up on IMDB. I have unfollowed Tv2 from social media and I'm never reading their awful newspaper again
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Kristine Kristensen

Det for ringe det der TV2!

Reviewed on 2020-03-15T21:41:15

Det for ringe det der TV2 ! Nu havde jeg og min far glædet os til at se kingsman the golden circle!

Amatør journalistik

Reviewed on 2017-09-23T11:00:20

Amatør journalistik


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