Review (May 2024)

English turkish online dictionary tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options.


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What do we know about Tureng?

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Translation And Localization


İstanbul, Turkey


Tureng: English Turkish online dictionary Tureng, translate words and terms with different pronunciation options.

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Alexa Ranking: 3095

What is Tureng's Revenue?

Tureng's estimated revenue for 2023 is $870k.

What does Tureng do?

The Tureng Dictionary is an online dictionary service provided for those working in the fields of translation, education and international trade by the Tureng Translation Company, which was founded by translators with 15 years of experience in translation. Our dictionary has been compiled for users who work in the translation business, do international trade correspondence work, and write reports in a vast array of fields. Designed as a resource to access each word and all of its meanings easily and quickly, The Tureng Dictionary has been organized into a total of 120 categories such as technical, medical, social sciences, automotive, construction, computer science, biochemistry, electrical-electronics, international trade, banking and finance. With the purpose of putting together a dictionary and a resource where all of the possible meanings of a word can be found easily, we have provided the various meanings of a word in alphabetical order. With our interactive operating style, our database constantly updated and strengthened with user searches, extremely user-friendly interface, and easy use options based on user feedback, your correspondences and research are no longer a burden. Thanks for choosing us. Tureng Dictionary

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Tureng?

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How fast is Tureng growing?

Tureng has grown by -22.8% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Tureng?

Last month, Tureng received 12M visitors who spent an average of 7.4 minutes on the website and visited 4.0 different pages per session. Overall, 39% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Tureng?

8.7M people (73%) visit Tureng directly. 2.7M (22%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 321.1k (3%) discover Tureng through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 270.5k (2%) visitors come from Tureng's email newsletters. Finally, 3.7k (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Tureng?

Tureng's top market is the Turkey and they receive 10M (83.0%) people.
Then the 2nd is United States with 455.9k (3.8%).
The 3rd is is Germany with 246.9k (2.0%).

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