Review (May 2024)

We fixed men's underwear. smart design and fabrics mean no more pulling at your pant line. get comfortable with yourself. no adjustment needed.


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What are the monthly traffic metrics for Tommyjohn?

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How fast is Tommyjohn growing?

Tommyjohn has grown by -3.2% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Tommyjohn?

Last month, Tommyjohn received 694k visitors who spent an average of 2.3 minutes on the website and visited 4.0 different pages per session. Overall, 55% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Tommyjohn?

275.7k people (40%) visit Tommyjohn directly. 297.4k (43%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 47.7k (7%) discover Tommyjohn through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 10.6k (2%) visitors come from Tommyjohn's email newsletters. Finally, 44.1k (6.4%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Tommyjohn?

Tommyjohn's top market is the United States and they receive 611.2k (88.1%) people.
Then the 2nd is Canada with 17.5k (2.5%).
The 3rd is is United Kingdom with 9.9k (1.4%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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What do Tommyjohn's customers say about them?

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Read reviews that mention
Gregory Triandafilou

Sadly, TJ underwear a Failure for Me.

Reviewed on 2020-03-25T23:54:25

Unfortunately TJ underwear did not work for me. I first bought a pair of Cool cotton boxer briefs in my regular size.Material and fit was exquisite. However, they RODE UP MY THIGHS really badly. Had to do ALOT OF ADJUSTING throughout the day. So, I exchanged them for a pair of cool cotton briefs. Again, material is wonderful. BUT, fit is bizarre. Very uncomfortable to wear. I couldn't last an hour in them. So, now I'm stuck with 2 pairs of underwear I cannot wear. Sadly they will be given away and my $35 down the drain. To be fair I typically have had problems with ride up of boxer briefs regardless of brand and style. EXCEPT FOR ONE: Jockey Pouch Midways. Ride up is minimal and does not cause me discomfort throughout the day. All other Jockey regular and long legged boxer briefs DO ride up on me. Therefore, I shall stick to wear Jockey Pouch Midways (and Jockey Pouch briefs).
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