Review (April 2024)

Scopri le offerte di telefonia fissa, mobile, smartphone e l'esclusivo mondo di vantaggi dedicato ai clienti tim.


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What do we know about Telecom Italia Lab?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Torino, Italy


Telecom Italia Lab: Scopri le offerte di telefonia Fissa, Mobile, Smartphone e l'esclusivo mondo di vantaggi dedicato ai clienti TIM.

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Alexa Ranking: 1803

What is Telecom Italia Lab's Revenue?

Telecom Italia Lab's estimated revenue for 2023 is $71.05M.

What does Telecom Italia Lab do?

Omini Carlo SB-S/NO.PSD

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Tim?

6/mo Traffic Growth


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Bounce Rate


How fast is Tim growing?

Tim has grown by 4.3% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Tim?

Last month, Tim received 41M visitors who spent an average of 3.2 minutes on the website and visited 6.0 different pages per session. Overall, 24% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Tim?

20.5M people (50%) visit Tim directly. 14.9M (37%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 1.3M (3%) discover Tim through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 3.1M (8%) visitors come from Tim's email newsletters. Finally, 264.2k (0.6%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Tim?

Tim's top market is the Italy and they receive 40.3M (98.8%) people.
Then the 2nd is Switzerland with 64.7k (0.2%).
The 3rd is is United States with 55k (0.1%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

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What are Tim's ads on Google?

Google Ads

Mobile | TIM -‎

20GB e 1000 min a 10€/m con la rete 4.5G TIM, costo di attivazione gratis online. Minuti Illimitati. Promo Limitate. Spedizione Gratuita. Attiva online. Ricarica Automatica. Internet 4.5G. Servizi: Internet 4.5G, Minuti e Giga, Voce e Internet, Smartphone

Fibra Verifica Copertura - Inserisci il tuo indirizzo

Scopri la Copertura Internet della Rete Fissa TIM. ADSL e Fibra fino a 1000 mega. Connessione Fibra Ultraveloce, Potente e Stabile. Chiamate illimitate. Fibra fino a 1 Giga. Chiama l'Operatore. Promo Online.

TIM for Visitors It | TIM -‎

Scopri le offerte per parlare con i tuoi cari vicini e lontani. Minuti Illimitati. Promo Limitate. Spedizione Gratuita. Ricarica Automatica. Attiva online.

Offerta Flash TIM Fibra 19,90€ - Offerte Internet Illimitato

Attiva l'offerta e scopri la Velocità della Rete TIM con Internet e Attivazione Inclusa. Attiva entro 20/9 Senza Vincoli, per te Fibra Ultraveloce a 19,90€/mese per 6 mesi. Offerte Fibra.

Promo Flash TIM FIBRA a 24,90€ - Fibra Ottica per la Tua Casa

Scegli l'Offerta Fibra TIM: Fibra Ottica a Casa a 1GB, Linea e Attivazione Inclusa. Attiva...

What do Tim's customers say about them?

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Read reviews that mention
Thomas de Vries


Reviewed on 2021-05-17T16:25:51

Racists ! Worst company in the world. Italians struggle to understand customer service.Poorly education un intelligent people working with a useless company. Making pizza ? yes but working and achieving thinking NO. Bad education results in poorly trained people IE Italiano medio
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Marlen Manasov

I am trying to cancel two of my family…

Reviewed on 2021-04-13T07:40:16

I am trying to cancel two of my family mobile numbers but Tim is not doing it, and I continue to pay.I sent several messages on whatsup. I don’t speak Italian and Tim refuses to respond in English. We lived in Italy for 8 months but now left .
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Jaylyn Maddox

Don’t be deceived by their sweet words

Reviewed on 2021-04-09T15:27:18

Don’t be deceived by their sweet words, they try every possible means to take your money and nothing in return.I am glad I got mine back through the help of this wonderful company Www .Nexofx . online
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John “Mojojo” Simonyan

Italians=Lazy, Unprofessional, Arrogant

Reviewed on 2021-03-26T16:48:32

6 years of Pain. and worst part is that no other internet service is better, Italians are just worst in Technology and Internet,only thing they can do is drink cofee, get drunk during lunch and talk talk talk, they dont know what is hard work.
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Mark Lusty

I was about to sign for the new offer

Reviewed on 2021-03-24T15:20:44

I was about to sign for the new offer! Thankful I read this before signing. The stories are terrible,I cannot find one good thing about TIM and they have done nothing to make it good. Thank you everyone, looks like I was saved from a lot of problems. How is the company still in business? How can they send debt collectors after someone is dead, that is shocking, plus no appology to make it look worse.
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Bla Bla


Reviewed on 2021-02-19T10:32:21

Unprofessional. They are lost. Cannot provide a customer service other than selling you new products.Technicians never show up without informing you of their absence. Furthermore, there is not a possibility to speak to somebody above inbound callers in the attempt of expressing the gravity of the situation as I have now lost 5 days of work waiting for an appointment which never happened. Third world country service with all due respect to the latter.
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Avinash Jakkampudi

Be far away from "TIM"

Reviewed on 2021-02-03T15:03:40

I honestly don't recommend this "TIM" sim to anyone. If you have a lot of money and not knowing whatto do with those money then you can happily use this so called "TIM" service to pay those useless fines or bills or whatsoever they name it. It will be useful if you donate those money to people at least.
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Florin Matusea


Reviewed on 2021-01-23T23:39:54

total scam ,i they charge me twice for the same offer in 3 days period, i also bought credit with mybank account and they charged me for the amount i bought but nothing was sent to my sim card ,customer service is probably some dude high or drunk who does not care about you and ignores you. dont use this!
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