Review (May 2024)


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What are the monthly traffic metrics for Tedmcgrathbrands?

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How fast is Tedmcgrathbrands growing?

Tedmcgrathbrands has grown by 21.5% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Tedmcgrathbrands?

Last month, Tedmcgrathbrands received 99k visitors who spent an average of 1.9 minutes on the website and visited 1.0 different pages per session. Overall, 64% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Tedmcgrathbrands?

62.6k people (63%) visit Tedmcgrathbrands directly. 5.5k (6%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 21k (21%) discover Tedmcgrathbrands through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 8k (8%) visitors come from Tedmcgrathbrands's email newsletters. Finally, 338.2 (0.3%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Tedmcgrathbrands?

Tedmcgrathbrands's top market is the United States and they receive 49.8k (50.3%) people.
Then the 2nd is Canada with 4.8k (4.9%).
The 3rd is is Brazil with 4.6k (4.6%).

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What do Tedmcgrathbrands's customers say about them?

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Dr James Robertson

Missold services. Our interest was business to corporate, they guaranteed business to corporate but didn't provide any business to corporate. Waste of time and money, fraudulent. Refused refund

Reviewed on 2020-09-25T14:25:52

The Essence of the Complaint of James A Robertson and Associates Limited against Ted McGrath Brands Material damage We suffered material damage,wrote off around 540 hours valued at at least £20,400 (US$26,500) and wrote off an investment of US$8,966. They claimed to understand business to corporation sales and it transpired they did not with the result that the advice they gave us was at best irrelevant and at worst damaging. Poor quality to the point of incompetence -- no structure, learned nothing Quality of group sessions was extremely poor, no agenda, no structured content, random irrelevant questions and answers. Flow of training inconsistent - not helpful. We already knew a lot of what they covered – had to get the information from other sources. Promised personal attention that was not received Promised small groups, ended up with 50 people. Small team weekly coaching sessions did not happen. Promised personal attention by Ted McGrath himself never materialized. The promised small and intimate groups were large, ineffective and off topic. Three one hour personal coaching sessions were rushed and concentrated on irrelevant topics. We were only told we were limited to three sessions after the three sessions has been exhausted. Mis-sold to point of being fraudulent Totally oversold what was delivered -- lots of promises, no delivery. Last 2 weeks before we raised our objections were redundant -- no relevance to our progress and questions. We believed Ted sincerely wanted to help people, but he evidently does not. The program fell materially short of the promises made by TMB to the point of being fraudulent Complaints process was dishonest TMB's own representatives told us we had a case for a refund. TMB failed to honestly or transparently assess our complaint and twice reverted to the “no refund policy” which was irrelevant given we were alleging fraud and incompetence. Process felt dishonest. Manipulative selling, greedy Pressured to pay and only then mentioned contract, not told three day cooling off period, hide behind contract to counter our complaints. TMB failed to disclose material aspects of the contract. Focus is on gaining money… certainly no focus on us After 8 weeks when we complained we were told we would have to pay more to get what we had been sold. Promised revenue within 30 days never materialized – financial damage Told them finances were tight but they assured us there would be substantial income within 30 days, still no income after 4 months causing serious financial headaches. TMB mis-sold their Dream Clients Delivered program for $8,996 when it should have been evident to them that a cheaper program -- Message to Millions would have been adequate. Extremely poor value for money. Formula not appropriate to corporate clients. Diane told us to expect revenue within 30 days.
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