Review (May 2024)

Loans for immigrants, non-u.s. citizens, and f-1, opt, h-1b, tn, o-1, l-1 visa holders.


Estimated Revenue


Website Visitors


Trustpilot Score

What do we know about Stilt Inc.?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


Total Funding


Total Employees





Financial Services

Last Funding Date

Debt Financing Jan 2021


San Francisco, United States


Stilt Inc.: Loans for immigrants, non-U.S. citizens, and F-1, OPT, H-1B, TN, O-1, L-1 visa holders.

Social Links

Alexa Ranking: 16411

What is Stilt Inc.'s Revenue?

Stilt Inc.'s estimated revenue for 2023 is $2M.

What does Stilt Inc. do?

Stilt is a financial services company focused on immigrants. We use proprietary and public data sources to predict credit worthiness of immigrants with limited or zero credit history. 2 million long term immigrant visas are issued every year and all of them face challenges with access to credit. They are hard working and financially responsible but don't have a U.S. credit score. It's difficult for traditional lenders and banks to understand their true risk. We predict employability, financial responsibility, and propensity to leave the U.S. to offer honest and transparent credit products. We have given loans to thousands of immigrants at affordable rates, helped them build credit, and a strong financial foundation in the U.S. We are located in San Francisco (2nd and Bryant) and always looking for people to join us on our mission to help immigrants.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Stilt?

6/mo Traffic Growth


All Time Traffic Growth

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Time on Site


Bounce Rate


How fast is Stilt growing?

Stilt has grown by -36.3% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Stilt?

Last month, Stilt received 2M visitors who spent an average of 0.8 minutes on the website and visited 1.0 different pages per session. Overall, 75% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Stilt?

164.5k people (11%) visit Stilt directly. 1.3M (88%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 5.5k (0%) discover Stilt through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 1.6k (0%) visitors come from Stilt's email newsletters. Finally, 126.4 (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Stilt?

Stilt's top market is the United States and they receive 1M (67.8%) people.
Then the 2nd is India with 111.2k (7.4%).
The 3rd is is Canada with 38.8k (2.6%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

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