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What do we know about University of South Alabama College of Medicine?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Higher Education


Mobile, United States


University of South Alabama College of Medicine: Academics. Research. Health Care. South is a comprehensive university with 15,000 students on Alabama’s Gulf Coast.

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Alexa Ranking: 100287

What is University of South Alabama College of Medicine's Revenue?

University of South Alabama College of Medicine's estimated revenue for 2023 is $6.32M.

What does University of South Alabama College of Medicine do?

The University of South Alabama College of Medicine is a part of the Division of Health Sciences and a component of the USA Health System. It's the only academic health center along the central Gulf Coast. The College accepted its first students in 1973 and is noted for the excellence of its educational and research programs. A doctorate level graduate program in Basic Medical Sciences was established in 1978, the first Ph.D. program at the University of South Alabama. The USA College of Medicine creates an environment conducive to learning and research in all fields of human biology and health care, permitting both students and faculty to maximize their potential. Scholarly endeavor, intellectual curiosity, and the extension of new knowledge by faculty and students are essential components of our environment and culture. The college is relatively small in size and noted for its exceptional educational opportunities and success in the training both physicians and scientists.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Southalabama?

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How fast is Southalabama growing?

Southalabama has grown by -19.9% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Southalabama?

Last month, Southalabama received 538k visitors who spent an average of 8.6 minutes on the website and visited 7.0 different pages per session. Overall, 33% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Southalabama?

334.6k people (62%) visit Southalabama directly. 171.2k (32%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 5.7k (1%) discover Southalabama through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 13.7k (3%) visitors come from Southalabama's email newsletters. Finally, 140.8 (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Southalabama?

Southalabama's top market is the United States and they receive 494.6k (92.0%) people.
Then the 2nd is India with 7.9k (1.5%).
The 3rd is is Pakistan with 4.4k (0.8%).

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