Review (May 2024)

Seedinvest is a leading equity crowdfunding platform that provides individual investors with access to pre-vetted startup investment opportunities.


Estimated Revenue


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What do we know about SeedInvest?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Venture Capital Private Equity

Last Funding Date

Venture (Round not Specified) Jun 2016


New York, United States


SeedInvest: SeedInvest is a leading equity crowdfunding platform that provides individual investors with access to pre-vetted startup investment opportunities.

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Alexa Ranking: 34659

What is SeedInvest's Revenue?

SeedInvest's estimated revenue for 2023 is $6.84M.

What does SeedInvest do?

SeedInvest is a leading equity crowdfunding platform that connects investors with high-quality startups. SeedInvest provides investors with access to highly ­vetted startup investment opportunities. Since launching in 2013, SeedInvest has attracted thousands of investors who are collectively looking to invest over $200 million in startups. For more information or to sign­up for free, please visit

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Seedinvest?

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How fast is Seedinvest growing?

Seedinvest has grown by 3.4% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Seedinvest?

Last month, Seedinvest received 370k visitors who spent an average of 3.2 minutes on the website and visited 4.0 different pages per session. Overall, 56% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Seedinvest?

177.9k people (48%) visit Seedinvest directly. 121k (33%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 10.8k (3%) discover Seedinvest through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 17.5k (5%) visitors come from Seedinvest's email newsletters. Finally, 1.2k (0.3%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Seedinvest?

Seedinvest's top market is the United States and they receive 284.4k (76.8%) people.
Then the 2nd is Canada with 9.3k (2.5%).
The 3rd is is India with 8.1k (2.2%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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What are Seedinvest's ads on Google?

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What do Seedinvest's customers say about them?

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Javier Bilbao

Do not waste your money - SCAM

Reviewed on 2020-08-25T15:16:01

They will take their cut at the beginning of the process and disappear. Do not expect anything from the platform nor from the startups.There are no quarterly reports, no communication, no nothing. This website is the closest to a legal scam.
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Use Another Platform Instead

Reviewed on 2020-08-19T23:18:51

Summary: Slow and inaccurate customer service. Too much bureaucracy and buggy systems. Use another platform instead.There are much better ones out there. Full Review: I was a non-investor user of the platform for over 2 years. In 2020, I saw some interesting opportunities and decided to convert into an investor. It was all downhill from there. I completed the investor profile but could not seem to be able to make an investment. I kept getting a "Your account is incomplete" error. However, there was no place to upload additional documents, no field that was highlighted indicating missing information and everything was appropriately filled out. At this point, I contacted support to inquire how to proceed. A few days latter they replied informing me I should have received an email that would guide me to complete the process. I checked the email and all it did was redirect me to the page where the error first appeared. Thus, not useful. I contacted support again. A few days latter they informed me that I needed to upload a document. Makes perfect sense. I would expect a financial institution to require a document to confirm my identity. However, there was no button to upload a document on the website! I asked them how to proceed and they suggested I send to them over chat. Apparently there was a bug in their system preventing me from uploading the document there. That is where things started becoming very sketchy. I hesitantly attached a picture of my driver's license to the chat (an email sent via Intercom). I then received another email saying I needed to fill out "a few more things". Again, I replied informing that all requested information had been provided: "All sections appear as complete for me even when expanded. What specifically is missing?". A few emails latter and they informed me I had to send a selfie holding my ID. By now it had already been a few weeks since I started the verification process. Still wanting to invest, I hesitantly sent them this additional image over email. I had seen this selfie requirement on some Bitcoin trading platform and although I thought it was a bit excessive at least they were being thorough. However, it got worse. About a week latter, I sent a new email requesting updates on the process. After all, for a company that taunts being a pioneer in the modern revolution in crowdfunding they are quite slow in their processes. They replied informing me that despite me having provided them with: My address, SSN, name, birthdate, selfie, drivers license, and who knows what other pieces of information it was not enough! They now wanted me to send them a selfie holding my passport and some official document that had both my address and name on it! Imagine how annoyed I was at receiving this email. As an experienced investor, I have over a dozen financial accounts across banks and investment platforms. Companies both much larger and more regulated than SeedInvest as well as smaller companies. And none had caused me this level of annoyance when registering. I replied informing them that this was unacceptable. I would not keep sending them private documents over email. After all, if any of these documents get leaked I am the one that will have their identity stolen and have to live with it! Since I would not keep risking getting my identity stolen I requested that they delete all my documents from Intercom and their emails. Note that Intercom (great company by the way) is very specific in informing its customers (in this case SeedInvest is their customer) that sensitive information (medical, etc) should not be kept in their servers. However, they denied my request (after a long period without answers) citing FINRA requirements. However, FINRA requires that information be kept. Not that it be kept unsafely in emails to which several service agents may have access in their home computers as they work from home due to COVID or in chat logs that can be very hard to control the access to. In conclusion, after over a month trying to setup an investment profile I ended up without an investor account and with the fear that one of these documents may fall into the wrong hands and that I could have my identity stolen. I suggest you save yourself a great amount of hassle and just register for StartEngine,, Wefunder or one of the other crowd investment platforms out there. Their websites work and you can go through the entire registration, KYC and investment without hassle.
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Useless customer service.

Reviewed on 2020-07-07T10:51:36

Useless customer service. Wanted to invest in a company, sent numerous emails and screenshots advisingthat the built in questions didn't apply to me as I wasn't a US company. Customer service agent's have no attention to detail, kept replying back asking me what I needed done - so not reading my emails. After 3 followup messages, I recieved no response. What a waste of my time!
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