Review (April 2024)


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What are the monthly traffic metrics for Sculptnation?

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How fast is Sculptnation growing?

Sculptnation has grown by -38.6% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Sculptnation?

Last month, Sculptnation received 2M visitors who spent an average of 1.2 minutes on the website and visited 1.0 different pages per session. Overall, 76% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Sculptnation?

733.4k people (45%) visit Sculptnation directly. 222.9k (14%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 286.8k (18%) discover Sculptnation through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 15.6k (1%) visitors come from Sculptnation's email newsletters. Finally, 351.6k (21.5%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Sculptnation?

Sculptnation's top market is the United States and they receive 1.4M (86.6%) people.
Then the 2nd is Canada with 58.7k (3.6%).
The 3rd is is United Kingdom with 24.2k (1.5%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

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What do Sculptnation's customers say about them?

Review Score


Total Reviews



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Read reviews that mention
Steve Wilson

Your company is a scam

Reviewed on 2021-04-12T16:00:33

Your company is a scam. Almost a month and a half and I still have not received your product.Your customer service is very much a joke. I will report and comment on every site that I can find to make others aware.
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Logan Shaw

Was going to buy from them but they…

Reviewed on 2021-04-12T01:14:16

Was going to buy from them but they have such terrible reviews! Would not recommend at all!

This is a scam

Reviewed on 2021-04-11T15:28:05

I bought 3 Burn bottles and I just want to say it's one of the most stupid decisions I ever made in my life.Simple research will tell you that sculptnation and burn are a total fraud, stay as far as you can from sculptnation and vshred, this is coming from someone that has a lot of experience from both companies.
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Tim Adator

Worst company

Reviewed on 2021-04-11T00:56:19

I am a 51 year old male with a test level of 340. I bought the 6 month test boost. I set up my blood appt.accordingly. I took the recommended amount every day and work out 4 times a week. I was very excited to see my promised, dramatic increase. It came in at 189. Devastating, and embarrassing. I called to see what the company would do. They basically said I should have stopped after 1 month. I said who gets their blood work every month. I believed the guy and was committed. Probably the worst company I have experienced. They know the product doesn't work, and don't stand behind it.
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The day after initial purchase my card…

Reviewed on 2021-04-10T18:05:22

The day after initial purchase my card was used to buy $1500can. To buy gift cards from thistle co in San Francisco.I believe the whole thing is a scam!
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Bubba Hicks

Did nothing

Reviewed on 2021-04-04T22:05:55

Did nothing. These products are snake oil, completely useless. I got the TEST BOOST MAX and the HGH Boost.Took them for two months, did not see any results. Their "100% money-back guarantee is bogus too. You the customer must pay for shipping both ways for their useless products. Don't waste your money.
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This website is not secure for…

Reviewed on 2021-04-04T19:28:10

This website is not secure for ordering. Credit card companies are not accepting orders.Order at your own risk!
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Christopher Valdivia


Reviewed on 2021-04-02T05:46:59

Warning: Stay stay stay far away from sculpt-nation/v shred company. These supplements are useless and a waste of money.Go watch Josh Brett’s video! Vince Sant has a reputation of giving poor fitness advice and copying sources from Athlean-X. If I were a fitness beginner, I recommend looking up to different fitness trainers. They do a good job giving fitness advice such as nutrition and exercises. Heck there are also individuals with little to no fitness knowledge who give excellent fitness knowledge than Vince Sant.
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