Review (May 2024)

Schmidt's natural deodorant gives you 24 hours of odor protection. made with plant and mineral based ingredients like shea butter, coconut oil, and essential oils.


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What do we know about SCHMIDT?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Last Funding Date

Seed Jan 2015


Lièpvre, France


SCHMIDT: Entdecken Sie das Home Design Universum von SCHMIDT! Planen Sie Ihre Küche, Ihre Ankleide, Ihr Schranksystem oder Ihre Badmöbel mit dem französischen Spezialisten für Möbel auf Maß.

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Alexa Ranking: 159548

What is SCHMIDT's Revenue?

SCHMIDT's estimated revenue for 2023 is $2M.

What does SCHMIDT do?

Les nouveautés 2012... Pour être à la pointe des tendances, nous avons travaillé sur 4 axes : l'esthétisme, l'ergonomie, la qualité et l'accessibilité du prix. L'esthétisme du produit L'une des grandes tendances 2012 est le retour du bois. Ce matériau noble est utilisé de manière différente de nos jours. Nous avons inclus de nouvelles finitions, de nouveaux coloris pour vous proposer des produits à la pointe du design. Parmi ces nouveautés, vous trouverez des coloris très contemporains comme des bois teintés, des bois teintés à nœuds ou sciés. Par ailleurs, nous vous proposerons de nouveaux coloris aux finitions mates, brillantes ou laquées, qui viendront compléter les gammes existantes : des tons « pop » (lilas, sari…) des tons chauds (kashmir grey, mint…) Pour aménager vos espaces de façon harmonieuse, nous vous proposons également : - de nouveaux coloris de caissons - de nouveaux plans de travail - de nouvelles crédences - de nouvelles poignées - des nouveautés dans le domaine de l'électroménager - des modèles inédits de tables et chaises Schmidt lance un nouveau concept qui révolutionne le design : Evolution 130. Il permet une symétrie parfaite des coulissants à l'horizontale comme à la verticale, des propositions harmonieuses et des appareils électroménagers parfaitement encastrés sous un plan de travail plus profond. Votre cuisine sera ainsi bien pensée et belle !

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Schmidts?

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How fast is Schmidts growing?

Schmidts has grown by -41.1% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Schmidts?

Last month, Schmidts received 89k visitors who spent an average of 1.3 minutes on the website and visited 3.0 different pages per session. Overall, 61% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Schmidts?

18.8k people (21%) visit Schmidts directly. 62k (70%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 3.4k (4%) discover Schmidts through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 219.1 (0%) visitors come from Schmidts's email newsletters. Finally, 1.4k (1.5%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Schmidts?

Schmidts's top market is the United States and they receive 57.2k (64.1%) people.
Then the 2nd is Saint Lucia with 8.1k (9.1%).
The 3rd is is France with 3.1k (3.5%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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What are Schmidts's ads on Google?

Google Ads

Schmidt's™ | Smell Good, Feel Good |‎

You deserve plant-powered products that help keep you fresh. Award-Winning Deodorant. Non-Sticky Feel. Vegan. Sensitive Skin Formula. Types: Wondermint, Activated Charcoal, Jasmine + Spearmint, Vanilla Chai.

Schmidt's™ | Smell Seriously Amazing |‎

100% Aluminum Free Formula. Natural Odor Protection. Shop Now! Made in Portland, OR. Sensitive Skin Formula. Vegan. Award-Winning Deodorant. Non-Sticky Feel. Types: Wondermint, Activated Charcoal, Jasmine + Spearmint, Vanilla Chai.

Schmidt's Natural Deodorant™ | The New Face of Natural |‎

Our Award-Winning Formulas Use Innovative Ingredients Derived from Plants and Minerals. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: World-Class Customer Support, Easy Returns and Exchanges. Vegan & Cruelty-free. Plant-Derived Ingredients. No Artificial Fragrance.

Schmidt's Natural Deodorant™ | The New Face of Natural.™‎

100% Aluminum Free Formula. Natural Odor Protection. Shop Now! Award-winning formulas. No Artificial Fragrance. Vegan & Cruelty-free. Plant-Derived Ingredients. Types: Wondermint, Activated Charcoal, Jasmine + Spearmint, Vanilla Chai.

Schmidt's Natural Deodorant™ | Which Scent Will You Choose?‎

Certified Vegan and Cruelty-free. Award-Winning Deodorant. Non-Sticky Feel. Sensitive Skin Formula. Vegan. Highlights: Started In 2010, Providing Natural Personal Care Products.

What do Schmidts's customers say about them?

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Schmidt's Naturals
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Read reviews that mention
Salina Smith

Awesome customer service over the phone!

Reviewed on 2020-05-13T14:00:32

Awesome customer service over the phone! I accidentally ordered the wrong deodorant and I got refunded within minutes!I can't believe it! Wow! I don't even need to worry about returning it and the hassle of that! Thanks! That's what I call good, fast, convenient customer service!
read more


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