Review (May 2024)


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What do we know about RTL Television GmbH?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


Total Employees



Cologne, Germany


RTL Television GmbH:

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What is RTL Television GmbH's Revenue?

RTL Television GmbH's estimated revenue for 2023 is $10M.

What does RTL Television GmbH do?

RTL Television GmbH is a company based out of Aachener Stra?e 1044, Cologne, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Rtl?

6/mo Traffic Growth


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How fast is Rtl growing?

Rtl has grown by 19.7% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Rtl?

Last month, Rtl received 23M visitors who spent an average of 1.8 minutes on the website and visited 2.0 different pages per session. Overall, 53% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Rtl?

5.8M people (25%) visit Rtl directly. 14.5M (64%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 1.8M (8%) discover Rtl through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 25.2k (0%) visitors come from Rtl's email newsletters. Finally, 62.5k (0.3%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Rtl?

Rtl's top market is the Germany and they receive 19.9M (87.9%) people.
Then the 2nd is Austria with 1.1M (4.9%).
The 3rd is is Switzerland with 675.4k (3.0%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

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What do Rtl's customers say about them?

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Tio Manco

zu Ihrem geistigen Auswurf...

Reviewed on 2021-01-10T17:50:54

zu Ihrem geistigen Auswurf...den Sie als Redaktion allen ernstes sachliche Recherchenennen. sturm-auf-kapitol-polizei-washington-jagt-den-verschwoerer-schamanen Ohne Zweifel ist Valknut eines der bekanntesten und beliebtesten Wikinger Symbole. Auch bekannt als Odins Knoten und Hrungnir-Herz, die drei ineinander verschlungenen Dreiecke werden als das Symbol von Odin betrachtet. ... Deswegen symbolisiert das Valknut das Leben nach dem Tod. Das zum Thema, das der Wotansknoten jetzt auch ein Nazi Symbol ist. Ihr Medien habt doch alle einen Knall mit eurer aggressiven Strategie, alles zu nazifizieren, was nicht in eure Schwarmintelligenz Agenda passt. Mann o Mann, geht mir diese weltweite Verblödung ganzer Bevölkerungsschichten mittlerweile auf den Sack. Aber sobald der nächste Spinner auf Facebook die nächste Ice Bucket Challenge ausruft, sind wieder sofort kollektiv Millionen Amöben am Start und machen mit, weils ja alle tun. Immer schön im Stechschritt und nicht aus der Reihe tanzen..und wenn einer ruft, spring aus dem Fenster, springen alle hoffentlich, damit endlich mal das Hirn durchlüftet wird. Man kann gar nicht so viel fressen, wie man kotzen will. Was is eigentlich los mit den Leuten, ist die Agenda des 21. Jahrhunderts, das Hirn am Eingang abzugeben, und unreflektiert jeden Dreck zu fressen, den die Medien, und geistig verbrämten Social Media uns vorgeben ? Tut Denken und selbst Reflektieren neuerdings weh ? on the arrest of Jacob C .... aha, improper conduct. Do you need a few peasant victims quickly because you cannot master the man who has been inciting his voters to do so for years? The democrats of this country shouldn´t have the illusions that they can legitimize your inability to stop this man in advance by trying desperately to suggest that they are competent to act. The only one who is responsible for what happend is Mr Donald Trump Jacob stand out of the crowd, that´s why people look so much behind his personality. i t is a fact, that he had the balls to fight for his rights of free speechment, written and guaranteed in the american constitution, First Amendment from 1791, even I have a different opinion, being a pacifist, but some weirdos outside there should simply remember the facts, who are starting now the next witching hunt. And why these pathetic swarm intelligence now band together so that everyone can sweep out the most ardent witch hunter out of their insignificant life to push their own fragile ego and to get into the focus of a broad public, this attitude simply only shows how broken this country and this world really is. Not Jake was the leader of this revolt, Donald Trump has the responsibilities, a democratically elected US President of 80 million citizens, facts instead of fiction. Jake has my absolute respect for his action. and next week you're chasing another pig through the village, as always on Twitter, FB, Insta and all these vormit "social media" crap sites. So Get a life brainwashed system ! Ihr Sender ist mittlerweile DER White Trash Sender Deutschlands, an Niveaulosigkeit und Misanthropie nicht zu toppen; absolut unterirdisch mit ihren abgehalfterten Moderatoren und Sendungsformaten. Leid, Ekel, Häme als Unterhaltungs Format. TittyTainment für das bildungsresistente Prekariat.
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Rtlstoptransmitting Foneagain

Why even bother with F1

Reviewed on 2020-09-27T12:10:42

Why even bother with F1? 8 to 10 minutes of live, followed by 6 to 8 minutes of commercial.Lost about 8 laps from 28 in the moment. Leave such an event to more capable Tv program. Ffs rtl...
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Michael Milevski

Why do you even bother Formula One?

Reviewed on 2019-06-09T18:27:30

10 minutes of live Formula one coverage followed by 6 minutes of commercial. You really care about your viewers.At least you should provide Picture in Picture functionality - then you would have gotten 2 stars.
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