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Rotten Tomatoes: Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets

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Alexa Ranking: 590

What is Rotten Tomatoes's Revenue?

Rotten Tomatoes's estimated revenue for 2023 is $15.6M.

What does Rotten Tomatoes do? is the home to the industry-standard Tomatometer rankings, which we create each week with the help of hundreds of respected critics. Rotten Tomatoes' Tomatometer is a tool that measures the percentage of favorable print, broadcast, radio, and online reviews from accredited film critics across the nation to rank movies as Fresh (60% or above) or Rotten (below 60%).

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Rottentomatoes has grown by 2.0% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Rottentomatoes?

Last month, Rottentomatoes received 66M visitors who spent an average of 2.0 minutes on the website and visited 2.0 different pages per session. Overall, 61% of people bounce on the first visit.

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18.2M people (28%) visit Rottentomatoes directly. 45.7M (69%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 635.5k (1%) discover Rottentomatoes through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 166.1k (0%) visitors come from Rottentomatoes's email newsletters. Finally, 11.4k (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Rottentomatoes?

Rottentomatoes's top market is the United States and they receive 28.6M (43.5%) people.
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The 3rd is is Canada with 4.1M (6.2%).

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A Book by Rotten Tomatoes - The Ultimate Binge Guide

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What do Rottentomatoes's customers say about them?

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Read reviews that mention

Extremely biased

Reviewed on 2021-03-19T08:07:47

Extremely biased
jack the ripper

Pathetic site that supports peados and…

Reviewed on 2021-02-22T21:07:12

Pathetic site that supports peados and political correct nonsense. Just a site for companies like IGNand NME for spread their terrible reviews on terrible movies.
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Sedna the Irritable Frog

Supports and Praises Pedophilia, Child Porn, Child Sexual Abuse and Child Sex Trafficking.

Reviewed on 2021-02-21T04:54:45

Besides being a garbage website with biased viewpoints, being run by dolts who have no idea how to properly acknowledge well made,significant films (even with recent films, it's like they only care about what is considered political correctness, use that as a selling point for their review and don't care if the actual film is good or not, and it works because of people like modern Disney shills. I'm all in favor of having diversity in a cast, but don't make diversity the only defining traits of characters), silencing and censoring of people with different opinions in favor of their own political bias, and @$$-kissing to Social Justice W@nkers and the Evil Sewer Rat of modern Disney, 87% of the "critics" liked that piece of sh!t film Cuties. 87% of the "critics" liked a movie that promotes and glorifies pedophilia, child porn, child sexual abuse and child sex trafficking, and as if that's not bad enough, they gave the P.O.S. show "Big Mouth", a show that also violates US laws, depicts obscenity such as literal cartoon children m@sturbation and encouragement of sexual assault, aka RAPE, a complete ONE HUNDRED PERCENT. If that's not proof that all the critics on this website are pederasty and rape glorification (which is also going to add to rape culture). I don't even need to explain how this is WRONG, WRONG AND TOTALLY SICK. So, like all other review websites lost to the pedo-degeneracy that Netflix sh@t out on 9 September 2020, 87% of the reviewers who work on this garbage website are brain dead, dumb@$$ dolts who are closeted pedophiles or dumb@$$ pedophile defenders/enablers who don't know the difference between pedophilia and child pornography. Like all the other websites that praise Cuties with their owners being just as much as pedophiles/pedophile enablers like this one, the "critics" need to be put on a watchlist, have their houses swatted and raided by the police and FBI, lose custody of whatever kids they have, and locked up behind bars. The only thing Rotten Tomatoes is doing, besides bringing the true target audience, aka chomos, to the light of day, exposing them for the filthy, horrible pathetic tw@ts they are, is just showing how pedo-infested, corrupt, rotten and broken Hollywood/Pedowood and the film industry truly are. If you can't trust movie critics, who can you trust (except the One Most High and His Son)?
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Concerned Citizen

Pure garbage

Reviewed on 2021-02-16T00:54:44

Pure garbage. Shut this assplay down. Worthless. Reviews are not on point like imdb.That's the 1 thing.
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Heavily censored reviews

Reviewed on 2021-01-10T23:44:36

I enjoy being able to express my opinion when the site allows it. But it is obvious that studios pay them big money to censor and not allow reviews.Disney studios and the Star Wars movies and shows are the biggest example of this.
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Paul Eales

Nearly ok

Reviewed on 2021-01-10T15:07:18

Saw an interesting program I might watch but was unable to see where and when to view it unless Ijoined the club (signed up and logged in). Would have signed up if I enjoyed using the site but now I will never know.
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Rotten tomatoes has a list of Top 100 …

Reviewed on 2020-12-17T11:11:44

Rotten tomatoes has a list of Top 100 movies... Not of the 21st century but of All Time.Here are a few examples of this list.... 1. Black panther 4. Blackkklansman 6. Mad Max: fury road 7. Spider Man: into the spider verse These movies are mediocre at best, some leaning more towards the not good side of the scale. I know how movies are subjective to the viewer, but this is blatantly wrong. Film critics are presiding over their own funeral. If people stop giving heed to their reviews, then their jobs will become obsolete.
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Malcolm Hare

Awful slanted reviews from awful biased…

Reviewed on 2020-09-12T18:46:16

Awful slanted reviews from awful biased critics. Let this site die already.


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