Review (May 2024)

Online reservation software, hotel booking online, booking engine, powerful & affordable, reservationkey, online reservation system software, reservationkey


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What are the monthly traffic metrics for Reservationkey?

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Bounce Rate


How fast is Reservationkey growing?

Reservationkey has grown by -30.2% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Reservationkey?

Last month, Reservationkey received 235k visitors who spent an average of 2.3 minutes on the website and visited 2.0 different pages per session. Overall, 61% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Reservationkey?

47.3k people (20%) visit Reservationkey directly. 3.6k (2%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 579.5 (0%) discover Reservationkey through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 2.1k (1%) visitors come from Reservationkey's email newsletters. Finally, 0 (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Reservationkey?

Reservationkey's top market is the United States and they receive 222.1k (94.4%) people.
Then the 2nd is Canada with 7.2k (3.1%).
The 3rd is is Panama with 1.4k (0.6%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

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What do Reservationkey's customers say about them?

Review Score


Total Reviews



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Read reviews that mention
Charla ST

A great addition to our company.

Reviewed on 2020-11-29T01:20:00

Overall: We love it! If you have a handful of units and are still using spreadsheets to keep track of reservation data,do yourself a favour and sign up for RK. Easy set up, and helps owners provides a higher level of service to their guests. Definitely worth the investment. We started using it when we had 3 units. With RK, we were able to scape our operation to 22 units. Pros: -That the designers truly cared. They were active in the User Forum. We could suggest ideas and see them be implemented. -The price point made it a simple decision to to sign up even when we had just a few units. The time saved by using RK more than paid for the Monthly Fee. It was a great return on investment. -We love the AutoEmails, Yield Management Settings, being able to easily take reservations online, the Mobile Version (made taking reservations from a beach chair VERY easy). Cons: -It doesn't push our listing content to Online Travel Agents. We just update those manually. -The Property Listings have just a TextBox to describe the property. It would be nice to have some standard fields like "# of Bedrooms" or "Square Footage" so that the information could be displayed more consistently.
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Bo Knysh

Reservation Key is exactly what I was looking for.

Reviewed on 2020-07-10T19:08:23

I can Truly say Reservation Key is what I was looking for and has been the answer for my business.All my Bookings are done thru it and it saves me one full time employee. Thank you for creating this great Reservation Manager for us Reservation Key!! Borys Knysh.
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Jenny Kerr Roose

I am so thankful that I finally found…

Reviewed on 2020-03-28T19:54:52

I am so thankful that I finally found Reservation Key. I had spent so much time going through trials with other companies products.The customer service has been Fantastic (Bradlee)! I highly recommend this product to anyone that asks about my online booking system. This system has saved me so much time and it was so easy to set up and start using. My customers love the ease of use, which was my main priority. It is affordable for a small business like mine!! I am so thankful!
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Daryl Kyle

I love Reservation Key!

Reviewed on 2020-02-22T07:20:23

I love Reservation Key. John and his team respond quickly when I forget how to do things.They've expertly solved several problems I had in switching methods of payment processing just recently. I'm impressed with the number of reports available and I use several daily. One of the characteristics I love about a person is willingness to grow and change. Reservation Key has new features coming out all the time. The latest is the ability for a guest to cancel their registration online. I'm trying that one out right away! Awesome for our small bed and breakfast and RV park. I'm a fan!
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Alan Frazier

Very effective tool.

Reviewed on 2019-12-11T13:38:07

Very effective tool.
Gwynn Joseph

I have used Reservation Key for about 7…

Reviewed on 2019-12-10T23:12:58

I have used Reservation Key for about 7 years. I like it as it is perfect for a small business like ours.Also, if I have ever had a problem I have received a pretty quick response on how to rectify it. Thanks, I'm glad that I found you.
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Ginger Rubsam

This is an absolutely wonderful reservation program!

Reviewed on 2019-12-10T21:45:24

This is an absolutely wonderful reservation program. I can book and check reservations from anywhere in the world.The price is extremely reasonable. I can set up automatic emails based on payment, arrival time and date, after visit emails and just anything I want. The program prevents double booking. I can link it to VRBO and Airbnb so I don't double book. There are lots of different reports that I can generate so I know how I am doing. I can also export all my reservations as a backup and use the results in Excel or other spreadsheet. I had several other reservation programs before discovering this one, and this one is far superior to anything else I have used. I recommend it for anyone in the hospitality business!
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Wiley Gregory

An Easy Platform to Navigate!

Reviewed on 2019-12-05T19:04:17

I have been using ReservationKey for a few years now and have been very satisfied.The only place I would like to see is improvement is with their mobile presence and being more mobile friendly. I have also done my best to coordinate my theme colors with my website colors. If the #colors could be a little easier to identify it would make this process easier. With that said, the major use of this website is very well done.
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