Review (May 2024)

Stay informed with today’s latest news from india & around the world. get all the breaking news & current indian news on politics, sports and entertainment only on republic world. we provide the most in-depth coverage of top national news with timely breaking of all the recent news on politics, sports & entertainment


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What do we know about Republic World?

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Broadcast Media


Mumbai, India


Republic World: Stay informed with today’s latest news from India & around the world. Get all the breaking news & current Indian news on politics, sports and entertainment only on Republic World. We provide the most in-depth coverage of top national news with timely breaking of all the recent news on politics, sports & entertainment

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Alexa Ranking: 1704

What is Republic World's Revenue?

Republic World's estimated revenue for 2023 is $52.2M.

What does Republic World do?

Republic Media Network is India's Number 1 All-India News Network which is now beaming to over 250 million viewers across the country, in English and Hindi. The Network has viewers across the UK, the Middle East, the North Africa Region, Canada, Singapore and Australia. Republic TV has been number 1 in terms of viewership for every week on the trot since its launch. Republic Bharat was launched in February 2019 and has stormed the genre with its breakthrough formats and razor focus on hard news, investigations, accountability seeking and impact-driven journalism. principles which have ensured that in a short span, Republic Bharat has soared to become the top Hindi news channels across India. REPUBLIC BHARAT Republic Bharat is Republic Media Network's Hindi news channel. Republic Bharat has unseated legacy players within the Hindi news genre with a laser focus on 100% news driven format. Republic Bharat has created history with over 20% viewership, in the extremely competitive Hindi News Genre market by remaining rooted in the core belief of "राष्ट्र के नाम". REPUBLIC TV Republic TV is India's first independent English news venture and has been the number 1 channel in terms of English news viewership consistently since its week of launch. At present, as per the latest BARC figures, Republic TV has over 56% viewership which more than all other English News Channels put together. It has an over 150% lead over the competing number 2 channel, indicating the scale of audience that tunes in to watch Republic TV for English News. REPUBLIC WORLD Republic World is the digital arm of Republic Media Network. On digital, Republic Media Network has witnessed a massive growth trajectory. Over the last year, by consistently publishing over 1000 stories across genres on a daily basis the website has seen a 1008% growth in users. From September 2019 to July 2020, the website has seen growth from 3.7 million unique users to 41 million unique users.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Republicworld?

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How fast is Republicworld growing?

Republicworld has grown by -16.2% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Republicworld?

Last month, Republicworld received 28M visitors who spent an average of 1.4 minutes on the website and visited 1.0 different pages per session. Overall, 71% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Republicworld?

3.8M people (14%) visit Republicworld directly. 23.2M (84%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 536.5k (2%) discover Republicworld through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 54.2k (0%) visitors come from Republicworld's email newsletters. Finally, 7.5k (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Republicworld?

Republicworld's top market is the India and they receive 9.9M (35.5%) people.
Then the 2nd is United States with 6M (21.7%).
The 3rd is is United Kingdom with 1.3M (4.6%).

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