Review (May 2024)

A nice collection of often useful examples done in react.js


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What do we know about REACT Programs?

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Health Wellness And Fitness


REACT Programs: A nice collection of often useful examples done in React.js

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Alexa Ranking: 58275

What is REACT Programs's Revenue?

REACT Programs's estimated revenue for 2023 is $145k.

What does REACT Programs do?

REACT is an acronym for REsponsive Action Confidence Training. The goal of REACT Programs is to teach a standard personal protection program to women, men and children on how to avoid becoming victims of random acts of violence and abduction and how to react if confronted by a hostile situation. Each situation is different, but we have developed specific methods that can help people stay safe by using basic, instinctual human reactions and a plan of action. None of our programs need any special martial arts background or specific strength or size. REACT Programs teaches individuals through awareness, voice commands and interactive role-playing. We empower our participants by giving them the basic safety tools they need to stay safe. REACT Corporate Programs REACT Programs represent an ideal opportunity for organizations of all sizes. Teaching safety to your employees demonstrates concern for their well-being and protection. With business travel on the rise, there is a need to empower professionals with the knowledge they need to stay safe in various corporate environments and situations. Personalized corporate training programs can be customized according to the needs of your group and conducted on-site or at our facility, located at 14A Lafayette Ave. in Suffern, New York. To schedule a complimentary info session, call us toll-free at 1-866-50-REACT (1-866-507-3228) or e-mail us at [email protected].

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Reactjsexample?

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How fast is Reactjsexample growing?

Reactjsexample has grown by 104.1% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Reactjsexample?

Last month, Reactjsexample received 632k visitors who spent an average of 1.6 minutes on the website and visited 2.0 different pages per session. Overall, 65% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Reactjsexample?

106.4k people (17%) visit Reactjsexample directly. 517.7k (82%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 3.4k (1%) discover Reactjsexample through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 324.1 (0%) visitors come from Reactjsexample's email newsletters. Finally, 271.8 (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Reactjsexample?

Reactjsexample's top market is the India and they receive 61.6k (9.7%) people.
Then the 2nd is United States with 59.4k (9.4%).
The 3rd is is Brazil with 21k (3.3%).

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