Review (May 2024)

Paleo friendly foods made with real ingredients that focus on beneficial fats and clean protein.


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What do we know about Primal Kitchen (Primal Nutrition, LLC)?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Health Wellness And Fitness


Oxnard, United States


Primal Kitchen (Primal Nutrition, LLC): Paleo friendly foods made with real ingredients that focus on beneficial fats and clean protein.

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Alexa Ranking: 125688

What is Primal Kitchen (Primal Nutrition, LLC)'s Revenue?

Primal Kitchen (Primal Nutrition, LLC)'s estimated revenue for 2023 is $3.82M.

What does Primal Kitchen (Primal Nutrition, LLC) do?

Mark Sisson, New York Times bestselling author, media personality, and ex-endurance athlete (5th place USA Marathon Championship, 4th place Hawaii Ironman finish) founded Primal Kitchen in 2015. He has been educating the world on nutrition and the benefits of high-quality fats and protein since 2016 via his blog, Mark is the author of numerous books, including The Primal Blueprint, which was credited with turbocharging the growth of the Primal/paleo movement back in 2009. He launched shortly thereafter to sell state-of-the art supplements, books, and online courses that address the challenges of living in the modern world. In 2015, Mark set out to create the world's best-tasting, real-food pantry staples. Primal Kitchen delivers on its promise to create uncompromisingly delicious products that are free of dairy, gluten, grains, and soy, and emphasize beneficial fats and high-quality proteins. Primal Kitchen is the maker of the number one selling condiment, Mayo with Avocado, and number one selling salad dressing, Ranch Dressing, in natural grocery. As Mark would say, Eat Like Your Life Depends on It, because it does. Learn more at

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Primalkitchen?

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How fast is Primalkitchen growing?

Primalkitchen has grown by -2.2% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Primalkitchen?

Last month, Primalkitchen received 210k visitors who spent an average of 1.5 minutes on the website and visited 2.0 different pages per session. Overall, 55% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Primalkitchen?

52.9k people (25%) visit Primalkitchen directly. 121.1k (58%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 12.2k (6%) discover Primalkitchen through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 2.6k (1%) visitors come from Primalkitchen's email newsletters. Finally, 1.8k (0.9%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Primalkitchen?

Primalkitchen's top market is the United States and they receive 176.2k (84.1%) people.
Then the 2nd is Canada with 11.7k (5.6%).
The 3rd is is United Kingdom with 3k (1.4%).

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