Review (April 2024)

Poste italiane vi presenta l´offerta di prodotti e servizi postali, finanziari e assicurativi, disponibili online e negli uffici postali presenti in tutta italia.


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What do we know about Gruppo Assicurativo Poste Vita?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


Total Employees







Roma, Italy


Gruppo Assicurativo Poste Vita: Scopri le Soluzioni di Investimento di Poste Vita. Polizze vita, fondi pensione ed investimenti per privati e imprese.

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Alexa Ranking: 490

What is Gruppo Assicurativo Poste Vita's Revenue?

Gruppo Assicurativo Poste Vita's estimated revenue for 2023 is $35B.

What does Gruppo Assicurativo Poste Vita do?

Il Gruppo Assicurativo Poste Vita, appartenente al più ampio Gruppo Poste Italiane, opera nel campo assicurativo con prodotti vita e danni. Poste Vita S.p.A. e Poste Assicura S.p.A. sono le società del Gruppo. Nata nel 1999, nel 2017 Poste Vita ha realizzato una raccolta premi di oltre € 20 miliardi (+ 2,24% rispetto al 2016). Le masse gestite finora superano i 115 miliardi di euro a fronte di oltre 4 milioni di clienti, per 7,5 milioni di polizze assicurative collocate. È leader nella previdenza integrativa, con oltre 940.000 iscritti al suo fondo individuale pensionistico. Nel 2010 con la compagnia danni Poste Assicura nasce il Gruppo Assicurativo Poste Vita. Si amplia così la gamma dei prodotti assicurativi: all'offerta di previdenza, di accumulo e protezione del risparmio nel corso del tempo, si affiancano prodotti a tutela della persona e dei suoi beni. Al contempo il Gruppo Poste Vita sviluppa una divisione interna attenta alle esigenze delle Aziende. La previdenza, la salute e l'assistenza sono i settori in cui il Gruppo è presente per intercettare i bisogni delle Aziende ed aiutarle a gestire il business. Per questo nel 2015 entra a far parte del Gruppo la società Poste Welfare Servizi (ex SDS), un player da tempo presente sul mercato, affidabile e innovativo, con una decennale esperienza nella gestione end to end di fondi sanitari integrativi di grandi dimensioni. L'Amministratore Delegato di Poste Vita è Andrea Novelli, mentre quello di Poste Assicura è Maurizio Cappiello.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Poste?

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How fast is Poste growing?

Poste has grown by -10.5% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Poste?

Last month, Poste received 61M visitors who spent an average of 5.5 minutes on the website and visited 7.0 different pages per session. Overall, 20% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Poste?

24.2M people (40%) visit Poste directly. 20.7M (34%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 375.8k (1%) discover Poste through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 939.9k (2%) visitors come from Poste's email newsletters. Finally, 199.8k (0.3%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Poste?

Poste's top market is the Italy and they receive 59.5M (97.8%) people.
Then the 2nd is United Kingdom with 191.7k (0.3%).
The 3rd is is United States with 178.8k (0.3%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

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What do Poste's customers say about them?

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Poste Italiane
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Read reviews that mention
Pedro Vilar

With me it went well.

Reviewed on 2021-01-18T21:08:01

With me it went well. Order from Italy to Portugal delivered in 13 days. It wasn't very fast but itwasn't bad at all
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Marco Occhio

inqualificabili, scortesi e incompetenti

Reviewed on 2021-01-14T10:45:59


Beware of Poste Italiane and SDA.

Reviewed on 2020-12-13T10:43:05

Beware of Poste Italiane! I've never seen anything like that in my life, and what I'm going to tell you guys will drive you crazy. Poste Italiane has its own courier service,SDA. Well, they are used to stealing people's packages, and I can relate! Why? I've been robbed by them recently! One week ago I ordered a phone charger off Amazon Italy (yes, I'm Italian), and shipped through SDA (which is an express courier). Let's start by saying that they claim the package has already been delivered to my apartment which is a BIG FREAKING LIE. IT HAS NEVER ARRIVED! But, there's a happy ending: I'll be refunded by Amazon... Game over, SDA. If your couriers cannot afford a €12 phone charger you ought to raise their wages. Just saying...
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Angelo Ricciardi

WORST online service ever

Reviewed on 2020-10-28T12:21:44

WORST online service ever! ITalian private post service that act as public!
Dorian Shurdhi


Reviewed on 2020-08-04T09:49:17

Scandalosi, incompetenti

My package "left" Milano over two weeks…

Reviewed on 2020-06-03T07:56:10

My package "left" Milano over two weeks ago according to the tracking page, but nothing else happened ever since.I'm wondering how long it takes for them to make a delivery?? It's so frustrating.....
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John Doe


Reviewed on 2020-01-12T16:02:36

Scammers, truffatori.....I sent to my father in Italy 200 euros, 'insured' through Royal Mail (which are also thieves),my father never received the money and neither Royal Mail nor Poste Italiane paid back a penny to me. Scammers, LADRI e TRUFFATORI
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Gosia Kowalewska

I would give 0 stars if it was…

Reviewed on 2020-01-09T14:55:12

I would give 0 stars if it was possible. The worse service I have ever seen, I sent a parcel to Scotland,it was on 10th December. I wanted it to be delivered before Christmas. Because the tracking hadn't showed any records, my partner called Poste Italiane customer service and was informed that the parcel was sent abroad on 23rd!!! December. Today, ie on 9th January he called again trying to find out where is the parcel and was informed thatit is still in Milan!! I have a shop online, fortunatelly for me, registered and sending things from Scotland. If it was in Italy, I would have to deal with neverending complaints from my clients. An awful, awful service. They all should be fired and this bloody Poste Italiane sold to someone who wants to do a proper business.
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