Review (April 2024)

National jewish health is the leading respiratory hospital and offers treatment and research for pulmonary, cardiac, immune and related conditions


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What do we know about National Jewish Health?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Hospital Health Care


Denver, United States


National Jewish Health: National Jewish Health is the leading respiratory hospital and offers treatment and research for pulmonary, cardiac, immune and related conditions

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Alexa Ranking: 244215

What is National Jewish Health's Revenue?

National Jewish Health's estimated revenue for 2023 is $10M.

What does National Jewish Health do?

For more than 120 years, National Jewish Health has been at the forefront of research and medicine. We integrate the latest scientific discoveries with coordinated care for pulmonary, cardiac, immune and related conditions. National Jewish Health physicians and researchers are at the forefront of a new era in healthcare that embraces a personalized, preventive approach to medicine. We understand that each person is unique, and their variations in diet, environment, personal habits and DNA all influence their individual health. That is why two different people are exposed to certain conditions and only one gets sick and why certain treatments may work for one person and not for another. With a focus on personalized medicine, our researchers are looking at environment-gene interaction and making strides in predicting, preventing, treating and tracking many diseases. This proactive approach to medicine means that if you have a disease, or the probability of getting a disease, it may be detected sooner so that you may live longer, healthier and with a better quality of life. Our research is truly transforming the lives of millions. By using an individual's DNA to predict and prevent disease, to guide the right choice of therapy to limit side effects and bring higher success rates for treatments and to be able to track the effects of these therapies, National Jewish Health is working to improve health care for the future.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Nationaljewish?

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How fast is Nationaljewish growing?

Nationaljewish has grown by 4.1% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Nationaljewish?

Last month, Nationaljewish received 532k visitors who spent an average of 0.5 minutes on the website and visited 1.0 different pages per session. Overall, 81% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Nationaljewish?

61.8k people (12%) visit Nationaljewish directly. 457.4k (86%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 3.4k (1%) discover Nationaljewish through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 268.1 (0%) visitors come from Nationaljewish's email newsletters. Finally, 587 (0.1%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Nationaljewish?

Nationaljewish's top market is the United States and they receive 300.8k (56.5%) people.
Then the 2nd is Philippines with 24.1k (4.5%).
The 3rd is is India with 21.1k (4.0%).

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