Review (May 2024)

Midwest express clinic is an urgent care walk-in clinic with locations throughout northwest indiana and chicagoland. no appointments necessary!


Estimated Revenue


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What do we know about Midwest Express Clinic?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Hospital Health Care


Willowbrook, United States


Midwest Express Clinic: Midwest Express Clinic is an urgent care walk-in clinic with locations throughout Northwest Indiana and Chicagoland. No appointments necessary!

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What is Midwest Express Clinic's Revenue?

Midwest Express Clinic's estimated revenue for 2023 is $11.02M.

What does Midwest Express Clinic do?

Providing convenient, quality care is our top priority. Most Midwest Express Clinic locations are open from 8:00am until 8:00pm so you can be seen when you need to be. Illness doesn't take vacations; we are even open on holidays and weekends! Keeping our prices low is also important to us. While we accept most insurance, we offer affordable self-pay options for our services, too. Because we treat a variety of ailments requiring urgent attention, visiting Midwest Express Clinic is usually more affordable than a standard doctor visit or emergency room trip for the same level of high-quality medical care. From hosting food drives to collecting donations and sponsoring youth sports teams, Midwest Express is a visible part of the Northwest Indiana and Chicagoland community. Our staff is always volunteering, walking in parades, collecting items for local shelters, or getting involved with community initiatives in one way or another. Community is always at the heart of what we do.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Midwestexpressclinic?

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How fast is Midwestexpressclinic growing?

Midwestexpressclinic has grown by -55.7% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Midwestexpressclinic?

Last month, Midwestexpressclinic received 196k visitors who spent an average of 0.9 minutes on the website and visited 1.0 different pages per session. Overall, 60% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Midwestexpressclinic?

41.8k people (21%) visit Midwestexpressclinic directly. 144.1k (74%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 2.4k (1%) discover Midwestexpressclinic through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 1.5k (1%) visitors come from Midwestexpressclinic's email newsletters. Finally, 0 (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Midwestexpressclinic?

Midwestexpressclinic's top market is the United States and they receive 191.7k (97.8%) people.
Then the 2nd is Philippines with 1.2k (0.6%).
The 3rd is is Canada with 704.9 (0.4%).

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