Review (May 2024)

Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. only uses metascores, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.


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What do we know about Metacritic, Inc.?

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Santa Monica, United States


Metacritic, Inc.: Metacritic aggregates music, game, tv, and movie reviews from the leading critics. Only uses METASCORES, which let you know at a glance how each item was reviewed.

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Alexa Ranking: 2849

What is Metacritic, Inc.'s Revenue?

Metacritic, Inc.'s estimated revenue for 2023 is $7.2M.

What does Metacritic, Inc. do?

Metacritic, Inc. is a company based out of 1223 Wilshire Boulevard Suite 1240, Santa Monica, California, United States.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Metacritic?

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How fast is Metacritic growing?

Metacritic has grown by -10.2% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Metacritic?

Last month, Metacritic received 20M visitors who spent an average of 2.3 minutes on the website and visited 2.0 different pages per session. Overall, 54% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Metacritic?

8.3M people (41%) visit Metacritic directly. 10.7M (54%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 311.1k (2%) discover Metacritic through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 45.5k (0%) visitors come from Metacritic's email newsletters. Finally, 5k (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Metacritic?

Metacritic's top market is the United States and they receive 4.5M (22.3%) people.
Then the 2nd is United Kingdom with 1.3M (6.3%).
The 3rd is is Canada with 1M (5.1%).

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What do Metacritic's customers say about them?

Review Score


Total Reviews



5 Star
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2 Star
1 Star
Read reviews that mention

Is it only me or Metacritic is deleting…

Reviewed on 2021-03-10T14:43:42

Is it only me or Metacritic is deleting bad reviews and so by doing this giving one particular producta better review as it deserves?! When I write a review I also put my detailed reasons of my review so to help others see the clear picture and verify themselves. This is very bad practice, very dishonest. Such a shame
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Possibly Sponsored by Big Game…

Reviewed on 2021-02-13T18:01:36

Possibly Sponsored by Big Game Publishers to get bigger sales. Horrible Ethos, Metacritic is Part ofthe Gaming Industry Problem.
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Reviewed on 2020-11-16T00:52:48

It's a good website to look for checking reviews on games before you buy them.

Reviews for anything but games don't work

Reviewed on 2020-11-03T21:19:03

Reviews for anything other than games don't show up for me. Game reviews are too focused on reviewsat launch and new ones are mostly ignored
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Alexander Kat


Reviewed on 2020-07-20T14:54:12

You can't trust Metacritic. Negative reviews are getting deleted so the game has a better score.

Metacritic can't be trusted

Reviewed on 2020-07-17T14:17:57

I used to go to Metacritic to see honest opinions about games. I always knew that the meta score was complete bs.They were scores given by companies paid to review the game so I already knew it was going to be all 5 star reviews. The user score though was people like me people that actually spent their hard earned money to purchase the game giving their honest opinion. After how they handled the last of us 2. I will never use metacritic again. The last of us 2 received horrible reviews because it was a horrible game. I don't have to actually play the game to know this. Naughtydog lied and purposely mislead us for years because they knew it was a bad game. Any game where kill the hero for no reason within the first hour of the game after promising people that this hero will have a longer role in the game and then they force you to play as the killer as some form of mental torcher to the player. That's why it's a bad game. And all those people giving it 0 scores those were emotional reviews by true fans who waited over 4 years to play a title that they loved to find out they've been lied too the whole time. Instead of supporting the user's Metacritic attacks us claiming everyone is just hating for the sake of hating meanwhile they are still promoting this trash as if it's a great game. It's obvious to me Metacritic is a very biased site and they are paid to promote certain games. I wouldn't doubt it if they manipulated the user score they can't be trusted.
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Lachlan Robson

Corrupt & Censorious

Reviewed on 2020-07-12T05:54:36

This glorified blog owned by CBS Interactive (the oldest of old-media dinosaurs) is completely corrupt & censorious,accepting payments from companies for favorable reviews and participating in review manipulation - deleting reviews AND commissioning fake reviews in order to raise up or tear down media titles. The sooner games and movies stop listening to these shills the better the industries will be.
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Reviewed on 2020-07-10T06:22:00

Cannot be trusted at all. Has pandered to companies by removing low scores to increase their average scores.Hides reviews of certain games for their own political reasons. A pointless and disgraceful site that is supposed to help people make decisions on reviews bit instead exists for politics and big business.
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