Review (April 2024)

The home of scrivener and scapple writing apps.


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What do we know about Scrivener?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Computer Software


Truro, United Kingdom


Scrivener: The home of Scrivener and Scapple writing apps.

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Alexa Ranking: 68028

What is Scrivener's Revenue?

Scrivener's estimated revenue for 2023 is $870k.

What does Scrivener do?

Literature & Latte was founded in 2006 with the sole purpose of creating software that aids in the creative process of writing long texts. The company was founded to answer such questions, and our award-winning software is now used by thousands of writers the world over. It's helped turn napkins into novels, thoughts into theses and scribbles into screenplays. Literature & Latte is based in Cornwall, UK.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Literatureandlatte?

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How fast is Literatureandlatte growing?

Literatureandlatte has grown by -34.4% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Literatureandlatte?

Last month, Literatureandlatte received 366k visitors who spent an average of 2.6 minutes on the website and visited 3.0 different pages per session. Overall, 45% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Literatureandlatte?

124.7k people (34%) visit Literatureandlatte directly. 194.2k (53%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 14.4k (4%) discover Literatureandlatte through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 1.7k (0%) visitors come from Literatureandlatte's email newsletters. Finally, 45.1 (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Literatureandlatte?

Literatureandlatte's top market is the United States and they receive 129.9k (35.5%) people.
Then the 2nd is United Kingdom with 18.9k (5.2%).
The 3rd is is Germany with 18.2k (5.0%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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What do Literatureandlatte's customers say about them?

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Read reviews that mention
Patrice Da Lage

DO NOT UPGRADE to Windows Scrivener 3

Reviewed on 2021-05-04T14:55:37

DO NOT UPGRADE to Windows Scrivener 3 This new version may not integrate Antidote All shorcuts usedin previous releases are changed Once you upgraged you are unable to go back to the older version unless you saved your old files elsewhere. A total mess.
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Reviewed on 2020-12-02T16:11:00

Avoid. They have been promising Windows users an upgrade for several years (development team is tiny and unresponsive)and as a Windows user, you will essentially be cheated. If you are on Mac, there are substantially better alternatives these days. Scrivener was ok 5 years ago. In 2020 it is way past its prime. Literature and Latte, who make Scrivener, have the worst customer service of all my purchases. Why support a software which is only lining the pocket of the creator and not offering the service we pay for?
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B Naylor

It makes no sense

Reviewed on 2020-11-14T18:19:01

It makes no sense, it’s the most user unfriendly thing I have ever seen and a complete rip off....stay away, use a piece of paper over this any day. Criminal.
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Anthony Spanz-Stanford

Based mainly on great customer service

Reviewed on 2020-05-14T07:49:37

My review is based on excellent customer service. I ordered the Mac version by mistake and needed windows.They rectified this for me in a matter of hours. The one star I have removed is because at first glance the program is very confusing and uncomfortable to look at, but there are lots of tutorials so its ok.
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John Lawson


Reviewed on 2020-02-07T14:21:16

Well, you can't email any pages to anyone and it doesn't work with two printers properly. Pretty much useless.Better to use the free writing software that comes with any PC.
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