Review (April 2024)

Welcome to hankook usa official website. we are dedicated to manufacturing high-tech tires for passenger cars, suvs, trucks & buses.


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What do we know about Hankook Tire America Corp.?

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Nashville, United States


Hankook Tire America Corp.: Welcome to Hankook USA official website. We are dedicated to manufacturing high-tech tires for passenger cars, SUVs, trucks & buses.

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Alexa Ranking: 148010

What is Hankook Tire America Corp.'s Revenue?

Hankook Tire America Corp.'s estimated revenue for 2023 is $5.93B.

What does Hankook Tire America Corp. do?

Hankook Tire is an automotive company that manufactures car tires and truck tires. Hankook Tire is actively embracing the global stage. With constant technological development and commitment to innovation, we are taking a leap to become a leading global tire company that provides sustainable solutions to deliver ultimate driving satisfaction to all customers.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Hankooktire?

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How fast is Hankooktire growing?

Hankooktire has grown by 24.9% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Hankooktire?

Last month, Hankooktire received 477k visitors who spent an average of 2.4 minutes on the website and visited 3.0 different pages per session. Overall, 43% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Hankooktire?

181.4k people (38%) visit Hankooktire directly. 265.9k (56%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 4k (1%) discover Hankooktire through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 1.8k (0%) visitors come from Hankooktire's email newsletters. Finally, 12.3k (2.6%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Hankooktire?

Hankooktire's top market is the Korea, Republic of and they receive 108k (22.7%) people.
Then the 2nd is United States with 73.2k (15.3%).
The 3rd is is Italy with 53k (11.1%).

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What do Hankooktire's customers say about them?

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Diana Montgomery

The Best Tires You Can Buy!!

Reviewed on 2021-05-06T00:04:20

Your tires are more important than you could imagine. Until recently I didn't know that this was the case.Let me explain. I had an accident and my insurance company told me that I could lower my rate if I took a safe driving course. So, I did. In the course, I learned things like to make sure that you stay in your lane when you are rounding a curve, allow a distance behind other cars in case you need to brake suddenly, and watch ahead to ensure that you know what might happen if another driver suddenly pulls out into traffic in front of your car. Although it was a very informative course, it didn't state one very important factor. That is to make sure that you have good tires on your car. Before my accident I had Douglas tires that I had purchased at Walmart. They were the worst tires that could ever be put on a vehicle. They caused my braking to take a lot of distance before the car would stop. They hydroplaned in the rain. My car would pull right into water on the side of the road. When turning left, I had to pull far to the right to ensure that my car didn't go into the left lane. And within a little over a year the tires were worn down so much that I needed to replace them before I could have my car inspected. Don't ever by Douglas tires! This isn't about Douglas tires, though. This is about Hankook tires. I had decided to rid myself of the awful Douglas tires. So, I began looking for quality tires at a good price. There were quite a few good brands at decent prices online. So, it was hard to decide which to choose. I finally checked Walmart again just to see what they offered. As I was looking at tires on Walmart, I saw Hankook Kinergies. I had no idea what they were. I just thought that they were some cheap brand that I wouldn't want but I Googled them just to be sure. To my surprise, they were Car and Driver's top all-season tire as of June 2019. There were only four tires in my size left. So, I quickly ordered them. I was still unsure if they would be that good but.... The Hankook Kinergies have been on my car a little over a month now, time enough to know exactly how good they are. They aren't just good. They are great! They make driving a breeze. The Kinergies hug the road in all conditions. They brake immediately. I even tried them on gravel. My car stopped instantly. If I need to stop suddenly because a person or a car jumps out in front of me, they stop, period. Around curves, they don't drift. No hydroplaning on water. The Kinergies go right through water as if I'm driving on a dry street. On top of hugging the road, they are quiet and smooth, touring tire quiet and smooth. They are touring tires that really perform. One more very important point. While I was searching for tires, I found that the Hankook Kinergies have a 90,000 mile warranty. In case you have no idea what that means, they are guaranteed not to wear until they reach 90,000 miles. The highest warranty that I have seen for other tires is 80,000 miles. These exceed every other tire. Even if you can't find them at the extremely low price that I found them, understand that you will not have to replace them for the life of your car. Think about that. You won't have to replace them next year or the year after or the year after that. They will still be road worthy and inspectable after a few years. Nobody could drive 90,000 miles in a year or even two or three years. So, if you want the very best possible tires possible, buy Hankooks. My suggestion is the Kinergie all-seasons.
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