Review (April 2024)

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What do we know about elEconomista?

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Online Media


Madrid, Spain


elEconomista: Ibex 35, Ibex, MCE, IGBM, Mercado continuo Español, Indice General de Madrid, Bel 20, Bel, Dax 30, Dax, Cac 40, Cac, FTSE, FTSE 100, PSI 20, PSI, MIB, Eurostoxx, Eurostoxx 50, ECO 10, Dow Jones, Dow Jones de Industriales, Nasdaq 100, Nasdaq, Nasdaq Composite, S&P 500, S&P, Nikkei 225 , Estados Unidos, Belgica, Japon, Portugal, Europa, España, Reino Unido, Nueva York, Wall Street, Madrid, Bruselas, Lisboa, Frankfurt, Tokio, Milán, puntos, índices, selectivos, selectivo, plaza, plazas, bolsa, bolsas, indices mundiales, bolsas mundiales, empresas y finanzas, empresas, fondos de inversion, planes de pensiones, planes, analisis tecnico, Ecotrader, normas y tributos, diario el economista, eleconomista, vivienda, hipotecas, hipoteca, crisis subprime

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Alexa Ranking: 8872

What is elEconomista's Revenue?

elEconomista's estimated revenue for 2023 is $33.35M.

What does elEconomista do? es el portal líder de la prensa económica en español. Descubre la mejor información económica, política, bursátil y de emprendedores. Gracias por seguirnos y por compartir con nosotros.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Eleconomista?

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How fast is Eleconomista growing?

Eleconomista has grown by -15.0% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Eleconomista?

Last month, Eleconomista received 15M visitors who spent an average of 4.7 minutes on the website and visited 2.0 different pages per session. Overall, 66% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Eleconomista?

4.4M people (29%) visit Eleconomista directly. 9.8M (64%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 536.7k (3%) discover Eleconomista through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 169.5k (1%) visitors come from Eleconomista's email newsletters. Finally, 6.1k (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Eleconomista?

Eleconomista's top market is the Spain and they receive 12.6M (81.4%) people.
Then the 2nd is Mexico with 572.3k (3.7%).
The 3rd is is Colombia with 315.4k (2.0%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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