Review (April 2024)

Dit nyhedsoverblik: breaking news og seneste nyheder - stream dr’s programmer på drtv - hør podcast på dr lyd


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What do we know about DR - Danmarks Radio?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


Total Employees





Broadcast Media


København, Denmark


DR - Danmarks Radio: Dit Nyhedsoverblik: Breaking news og seneste nyheder - Stream DR’s programmer på DRTV - Hør podcast på DR LYD

Social Links

Alexa Ranking: 3858

What is DR - Danmarks Radio's Revenue?

DR - Danmarks Radio's estimated revenue for 2023 is $17.5M.

What does DR - Danmarks Radio do?

DR has approximately 3000 employees and offers a wide variety of career opportunities in areas such as journalism, content production, technology and new media. TV channels: DR1, DR2, DR3, DR Ultra, DR Ramasjang and DR K. Radio channels: P1, P2, P3, P4 (including 10 regional channels), P5, P6 BEAT, P7 MIX, P8 JAZZ, DR Nyheder ("DR News"​). Internet and mobile platforms:, DRTV and several apps. Orchestras and choirs: Danish National Symphony Orchestra, Danish National Chamber Orchestra, DR Big Band, Danish National Vocal Ensemble, Danish National Concert Choir, Danish National Girls Choir, Danish National Children's Choir and Danish National Sprouts Choir.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Dr?

6/mo Traffic Growth


All Time Traffic Growth

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Bounce Rate


How fast is Dr growing?

Dr has grown by -2.2% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Dr?

Last month, Dr received 44M visitors who spent an average of 5.2 minutes on the website and visited 3.0 different pages per session. Overall, 41% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Dr?

34.9M people (80%) visit Dr directly. 5.4M (12%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 2.9M (7%) discover Dr through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 184.5k (0%) visitors come from Dr's email newsletters. Finally, 29.5k (0.1%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Dr?

Dr's top market is the Denmark and they receive 41.4M (94.4%) people.
Then the 2nd is Sweden with 448.2k (1.0%).
The 3rd is is Norway with 375.7k (0.9%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

See 12/mo Traffic Stats

What do Dr's customers say about them?

Review Score


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Total bullšhit radio

Reviewed on 2021-03-25T01:12:21

Total bullšhit radio, which nobody listens. Only gay propaganda. I would not say anything,but they require to pay for it even if you don't understand danish language..
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Already subscribed for payment and receive bills in retrospect anyway + late fees for retrospective bills

Reviewed on 2021-01-21T14:34:22

Already subscribed for payment, but 'previous payments' that were not part of the subscription were not billed until 3 warnings came with an extra 100dkk fee delay.Customer service won't even try to locate the cause
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Fcuk you

Reviewed on 2021-01-09T21:08:06

Fcuk you, dr... I don't want to pay for nothing. I would chose not to have your subscription but it's mandatory.Not cool. I'm thinking, how much did you steal from me in the years..
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Peter Grünbaum

Disgusting corona propaganda network

Reviewed on 2020-10-28T05:08:02

Disgusting corona propaganda network. Criminal cartel. Avoid
Susanne Tagmos

88 % genudsendelser

Reviewed on 2020-08-22T18:52:11

88 % genudsendelser, dårlig journalistik meget ensidig og total fake news og det tvinges vi til atbetale for
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Lars Brøgger Jensen

Mainstream når det er værst...

Reviewed on 2020-07-10T12:28:39

Mainstream når det er værst...

This is a TV station that uses facists…

Reviewed on 2020-05-08T15:25:20

This is a TV station that uses facists methods to gain customers.. They can't sell their products without force. They lie,invade privacy of non-customers and try to force their bad products on people. They make Stalin proud.
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Krusty The Clown

These people are stupid morons !!

Reviewed on 2020-04-30T08:35:38

They are STUPID with capital letters !! For the second time i almost have to pay extra money for not paying on time !!Why ? those stupids have sent me lat year a letter -digital carp they call it and i give them all the info so that the payment will be deducted and they will contact my bank for that the next payment will be be though out something called betalingservice !! They have done nothing then !! and later i had to pay a fine and pay the license off course !! well about a month ago they have done exactly the same thing and today they sent me a letter that it is the last day i have to pay !! I did write to them last year to complain about what happened !! I received a typical stupid answer that have not to do with what i wrote !! This time i am sending my complains in the social media !!! May be they will listen!!
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