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What do we know about Crafted Logo?

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Chicago, United States


Crafted Logo: Need a Professional Logo design service from Award Winning Logo designers? Crafted Logo is Rated 4.9 out of 5 by 65k+ businesses, 1st place Award in Custom Logo Design Service for consecutive 3 years, Crafted Logo knows the art of crafting Professional Logos with an incredible recall.

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What is Crafted Logo's Revenue?

Crafted Logo's estimated revenue for 2023 is $0.

What does Crafted Logo do?

Crafted Logo is a platform of a dedicated team that is committed to provide professional logo design services to its customers from across the world. Having highly talented and professionally trained designers, we deliver results beyond your expectations and give our customers an edge over their competitors. Our custom logo designers have designed logos for thousands of brands across the world. Having artistic minds and extraordinary skills, we come up with simple, attractive, and eye-catching designs. Providing designer logos for businesses around the world, we offer a great opportunity to our clients to make their business identity and enjoy this small investment as a huge ROI in the future. A perfect business logo design can really do the job for a business and can make it stand with the world's leading brands. This can only happen if you take design service from a professional graphic design company rather looking for a cheap logo design. You need to hire a quality and creative designer who can come up with results beyond your expectations and here at Crafted Logo, we have always done this. We have a team of custom website logo makers who are expert in designing corporate logos for brands. Having an impressive logo design ideas and professional skills, we build up unique and effective brand identity for businesses. We help brands build their strong business recognition with our out of the box creativity and artwork. Using our powerful skills and tools, we come up with astounding business logos. Being one of the leading graphic design companies, we design a logo after a thorough research of the business and deliver it the most relevant and state of the art business identity. A business does need to build its strong identity and this can be done through a perfect graphic image. Especially a startup business does need to attract people towards its business and an attractive custom logo design can do this job with complete perfection. Based in Chicago, we stand as a prominent logo design company providing quality design services all over the world. From multinational companies to individuals, we have all clients from every business niche. Since logo is one of the most important assets for a brand, we can help you to grasp a large audience towards your business by creating the best logo design. Using our services, you can set your business in a position to beat your competitors and enjoy a great monopoly in the market.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Craftedlogo?

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How fast is Craftedlogo growing?

Craftedlogo has grown by -10.0% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Craftedlogo?

Last month, Craftedlogo received 503k visitors who spent an average of 4.5 minutes on the website and visited 6.0 different pages per session. Overall, 44% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Craftedlogo?

151.2k people (30%) visit Craftedlogo directly. 272k (54%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 70.2k (14%) discover Craftedlogo through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 3.4k (1%) visitors come from Craftedlogo's email newsletters. Finally, 864.4 (0.2%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Craftedlogo?

Craftedlogo's top market is the Egypt and they receive 477.9k (95.1%) people.
Then the 2nd is Saudi Arabia with 5k (1.0%).
The 3rd is is Turkey with 2.8k (0.6%).

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