Review (April 2024)

Ugandan news, news in uganda, kampala, uganda, breaking news, news, bobi wine, museveni, yoweri, bukedde, vision news, vision, amawulire, luganda, uganda, mmengo, mengo, ssenga, senga, kasalabecca, ebika, buganda, kabaka, nabagereka, nagginda, omumbejja, omulangira, mumbejja, mulangira, ssabasajja, katikkiro, ssaza, kyadondo, buddu, bugerere, bulemeezi, buluuli, busiro, busujju, butambala, buvuma, buwekula, gomba, kyaggwe, kabula, kooki, mawogola, mawokota, ssese, singo, ssany


Estimated Revenue


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What do we know about Bukedde?

Estimated Revenue (2020)


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Bukedde: Ugandan news, news in Uganda, Kampala, Uganda, breaking news, news, Bobi Wine, museveni, yoweri, Bukedde, vision news, vision, Amawulire, Luganda, Uganda, Mmengo, Mengo, Ssenga, senga, kasalabecca, ebika, Buganda, Kabaka, Nabagereka, Nagginda, Omumbejja, Omulangira, Mumbejja, Mulangira, Ssabasajja, Katikkiro, Ssaza, Kyadondo, Buddu, Bugerere, Bulemeezi, Buluuli, Busiro, Busujju, Butambala, Buvuma, Buwekula, Gomba, Kyaggwe, Kabula, Kooki, Mawogola, Mawokota, Ssese, Singo, Ssany

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What is Bukedde's Revenue?

Bukedde's estimated revenue for 2023 is $2.9M.

What does Bukedde do?

Bukedde is a company based out of Uganda.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Bukedde?

6/mo Traffic Growth


All Time Traffic Growth

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Monthly Hits


Time on Site


Bounce Rate


How fast is Bukedde growing?

Bukedde has grown by 290.3% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Bukedde?

Last month, Bukedde received 36k visitors who spent an average of 4.0 minutes on the website and visited 2.0 different pages per session. Overall, 58% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Bukedde?

28.1k people (77%) visit Bukedde directly. 6.9k (19%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 674.8 (2%) discover Bukedde through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 0 (0%) visitors come from Bukedde's email newsletters. Finally, 0 (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Bukedde?

Bukedde's top market is the Uganda and they receive 25.9k (71.2%) people.
Then the 2nd is Ethiopia with 2.8k (7.8%).
The 3rd is is United States with 2.2k (6.1%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

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