Review (May 2024)

High-quality training data with guaranteed accuracy from our industry-leading services and ml-assisted annotation platform. security. scale. quality. speed.


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How fast is Appen growing?

Appen has grown by -5.1% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Appen?

Last month, Appen received 7M visitors who spent an average of 7.8 minutes on the website and visited 7.0 different pages per session. Overall, 28% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Appen?

5.2M people (77%) visit Appen directly. 688.5k (10%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 519.8k (8%) discover Appen through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 277.6k (4%) visitors come from Appen's email newsletters. Finally, 1.2k (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Appen?

Appen's top market is the United States and they receive 2.2M (32.4%) people.
Then the 2nd is Brazil with 619.7k (9.2%).
The 3rd is is United Kingdom with 413.1k (6.1%).

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What are Appen's ads on Google?

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Appen | Computer Vision Services |

We help the most innovative companies with their most ambitious computer vision projects.

Improve Computer Vision Models - Computer Vision Solution

Improve your computer vision models at scale with ML-powered high-quality training data. Confidently deploy CV models with the most advanced AI-assisted data annotation platform.

Appen - Improve Your Machine Learning

High-quality training data with guaranteed accuracy from our industry-leading technology. Leverage our 25 years of expertise, technology, and a global crowd of over 1 million. Security. Quality. Speed. Scale. Types: Computer Vision, Data Enrichment, Search Relevance.

Keyword: machine learning as a service

Appen - #1 AI TDaaS Platform -

Artificial intelligence enables us to we deliver quality and scale across industries.

Data Labeling for ML - Deploy with Confidence

High-quality training data with guaranteed accuracy from our industry-leading technology. Leverage our 25 years of expertise, technology, and a global crowd of over 1 million. Scale.

What do Appen's customers say about them?

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Olivia Tellez Psicologa


Reviewed on 2021-05-24T08:30:31

I have participated in two projects. The first one, the Arrow Project, I entered the hours that I had worked in the invoice and they would not accept that,claiming that I had not worked that amount of time but less. I keep track carefully and I know the hours and minutes were correct. So if you are already getting paid less than the minimum wages, you get even less just because they say so. The second project was the "Orta Speech Collection Spanish". After submitting the tasks, they did not provide any answer nor feedback and after two months I wrote to support; they gave me an excuse for the delay and suddenly they had reviewed my tasks and it "did not successfully pass our quality level" - my mother language is Spanish and I did everything as per the guidelines. I have asked them for an explanation several times and they are now ghosting me. So I get no money and they have all my data and conversations.
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I don't recommend to work with Appen

Reviewed on 2021-04-17T09:47:48

I don't recommend to work with Appen. They are not totally honest company. They take advantage of people looking for work.They offer you a project and before you find out the details, they make you sign digitally pages of pages of agreement, where they specify that you might not get paid at all. Then at some project like Amur they want you to purchase overpriced useless items like hearing aid for 450usd and hope that after you write your reviews and submit all documents they refund you after 2-3 months. Since you digitally signed the agreement that you might not get paid you not have any recourse later. I suggest do not spend your own money upfront.
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Krystal Collins

Horrible experience

Reviewed on 2021-03-26T13:31:39

Horrible experience. Biggest mistake ever! Do not apply! Its as bad as having aol I signed up but never got any “gigs” so I stopped participating Now I get a gang of emails all the time.(Where was this when I actually wanted to work for them)!?!? But I’ve asked several times to unsubscribe (Its been aYEAR!!) U have to login(something I havent done in a yr so I def don’t remember any login info) I think I actually created an email just for this. Yet they send crap to my personal email rather than the email I created for it(and never check) Several times asked to unsubscribe They hold u hostage like aol Smh Do Not Sign Up For This You WILL regret it!!! You have been warned
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Sophabreel A

Bad vibes and time wasters

Reviewed on 2021-03-20T05:42:00

I have dealt with this company in some shape or form for about 10 years before they merged with another company and became the disastrous mess they are today.They are known time wasters without any principles about how they treat contractors or applicants. Single handedly the most disorganized train wreck you will ever deal with. On numerous occasions they ruin my day and literally leave you feeling worthless with their endless lies and dead end projects. Hours spent studying long guidelines for projects that never lead to paid work. It is beyond belief this ‘company’ has not yet been shutdown for their shady practices and disgusting manner of dealing with people. Bad vibes. Anytime I make the mistake of getting involved with yet another of their dead end applications and pointless guidelines, my day is ruined. Don’t do it. Just avoid.
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Jade D

Site is riddled with bugs

Reviewed on 2021-02-28T23:14:15

Not very user friendly for something that is supposed to a legitimate work from home opportunity.Would not let me in with my correct password, and spent an hour jumping through hoops just to see I had "no tasks" on a project that was supposed to be open. The amount of time and effort I put into setting up alone is grossly above the $20 I had been promised for task that should have been 30 minutes. Quite frankly, reading these other reviews makes me want get my PC checked for viruses.
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sandra harris

I have done work on several occasions…

Reviewed on 2021-02-23T01:24:09

I have done work on several occasions and been paid on time. However there are glitches and issues with virtually every project you do.Signing up for something and then being told I was accepted on a project and never hearing anything about it afterwards. Its very frustrating and I can't count on it as a reliable source. Also you have to get a payoneer account which has been equally annoying.
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Barry H

Not Worth Any Commitment.

Reviewed on 2021-02-19T22:13:20

Considering the amount of time it takes to read, train, prepare and administer the work,the pay is equivalent to about $9/hour. Take off the times that they lose your work or decide it is not up to scratch (without good reason) and it's worth about $5/hour.
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Javier R

APPEN is a fraud

Reviewed on 2021-02-10T01:25:37

APPEN is a fraud, they lie and never give what they promise, they want you to be available 16/7 but they throw you only with 1 to 2 hours of work per day in different batches and times,is you have luck you will make 300 dlls per month spending 12+ hours a day in front of a computer 7 days a week, if not, if you hope this as a second income, expect something between 50-80 dlls per month
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