Review (May 2024)

Hindi news (हिंदी न्यूज़) - get the latest and breaking news in hindi (ब्रेकिंग न्यूज़ हिंदी) from india, world, technology, business, lifestyle, and entertainment at amar ujala.


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What do we know about Amar Ujala Publications Ltd?

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Noida, India


Amar Ujala Publications Ltd: Amar Ujala hindi news - Get the latest hindi news from india, sports,World, Sports, business, film and Entertainment. आज की ताजा खबर पढे (Live News) हिंदी में Amar Ujala (अमर उजाला) पर, #1 Hindi News website - पढ़ें भारत और दुनिया की aaj ki breaking (ब्रेकिंग) khabar

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Alexa Ranking: 1008

What is Amar Ujala Publications Ltd's Revenue?

Amar Ujala Publications Ltd's estimated revenue for 2023 is $50M.

What does Amar Ujala Publications Ltd do?

Amar Ujala, the first fully integrated Media Company from South Asia, is now in its 71st year of existence. With significant youth connect and a well defined audience group, Amar Ujala has always lived up to its ethos of credible and fierce Journalism, true to its credo- Josh Sach ka. Reaching out to 47 million readers as per latest IRS report, Amar Ujala circulates 2.7 million copies daily as certified by Audit Bureau of Circulation. Not only this, Amar Ujala has also built a strong digital affinity with more than 10 million followers across various digital platforms. With a huge social dimension to its portfolio, Amar Ujala recently forayed into the healthcare sector with an aim to bring affordable and accessible global standards of healthcare infrastructure to the populace residing in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. In keeping with the Group's ethos, there's a clear social dimension to the business which involves creating awareness for good health, timely need for medical tests, diagnosis, postoperative recovery standards and above all bringing back the trust in the medical system which is hugely lacking outside the metros. Another key diversification move has been in the sphere of education with launching India's first Integrated Digital Media School- The Aarohan Media School.

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Amarujala?

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How fast is Amarujala growing?

Amarujala has grown by -8.6% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Amarujala?

Last month, Amarujala received 39M visitors who spent an average of 2.9 minutes on the website and visited 3.0 different pages per session. Overall, 43% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Amarujala?

12.5M people (32%) visit Amarujala directly. 24.7M (63%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 828.5k (2%) discover Amarujala through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 424.2k (1%) visitors come from Amarujala's email newsletters. Finally, 28.5k (0.1%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Amarujala?

Amarujala's top market is the India and they receive 36.5M (93.4%) people.
Then the 2nd is United Arab Emirates with 506k (1.3%).
The 3rd is is Canada with 374.3k (1.0%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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