Review (May 2024)


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What do we know about AllMusic?

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Ann Arbor, United States


AllMusic: AllMusic provides comprehensive music info including reviews and biographies. Get recommendations for new music to listen to, stream or own.

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Alexa Ranking: 9343

What is AllMusic's Revenue?

AllMusic's estimated revenue for 2023 is $20M.

What does AllMusic do?

AllMusic is a comprehensive and in-depth resource for finding out more about the albums, bands, musicians and songs you love. On AllMusic you'll find: - In-Depth Information about your favorite albums, musicians and songs - Reviews of upcoming and classic albums including new releases - Ratings and picks of the recommended albums and songs within an artist's discography or tracks on an album - Staff picks of the albums our editors are into right now - Sound samples and streaming links to listen to the music - Personalized recommendations of albums that match your tastes

What are the monthly traffic metrics for Allmusic?

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How fast is Allmusic growing?

Allmusic has grown by 10.0% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with Allmusic?

Last month, Allmusic received 6M visitors who spent an average of 3.9 minutes on the website and visited 3.0 different pages per session. Overall, 45% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find Allmusic?

2.3M people (37%) visit Allmusic directly. 3.5M (55%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 87.9k (1%) discover Allmusic through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 66.1k (1%) visitors come from Allmusic's email newsletters. Finally, 2.1k (0.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses Allmusic?

Allmusic's top market is the United States and they receive 2.7M (43.6%) people.
Then the 2nd is Canada with 404.2k (6.4%).
The 3rd is is United Kingdom with 345.6k (5.5%).

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What do Allmusic's customers say about them?

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Read reviews that mention

Company is operating illegally

Reviewed on 2021-01-11T12:18:33

Company is operating illegally. This company should be taken offline completely. It infringes copyright by listing images,photos and songs from bands, which is does not have full permission to use, sell or showcase.
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John Doe

what a stupid website

Reviewed on 2020-08-18T18:30:48

what a stupid website. The “reviews” are made not by experienced musicians, but by boring ACCOUNTANTS ,and when you post a review the stupid website doesn’t “in” it (whatever the hell it is called when you press SUBMIT but the stupid thing doesn’t submit your review). And, you get a stupid pop up video you don’t care about, playing in the background while you write your review. Mind blowingly stupid website
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what a stupid website

Reviewed on 2018-12-15T21:23:53

what a stupid website. Some of the best records get the lowest ratings. The 'reviewers'are like most 'music critics', i.e. like vermin who infests the realm of people who have extensive musical experience. These 'critics' never wrote half a theme of their own because they are incapable of doing anything better than writing worthless 'critiques'. I myself have been a musician for 30 years and although I have never got my music 'reviewed' by these losers (I am not famous, but I mastered almost 3 musical instruments), I know what an infestation 'Allmusic' is. They should read what Beethoven said to HIS 'critics' :) Allmusic= All Losers. It was time for someone to review THEM for a change.
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Gregory Nésta Macus

The name says it áll'

Reviewed on 2018-07-16T13:05:36

The name says it áll', pun intended.Rave Reviews,Recommendations,Artists Profiles,and New Releases allin one box.Nobody Can Stop Reggae
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Too corporate

Reviewed on 2015-10-30T18:16:59.821

After building a 700 album database, writing a dozen LP reviews, All Music tells me their policy is to not allow export to CSV file.Technology makes this very easy, but they hide behind Rovi policy to inconvenience consumer customers. As a source of reviews it is useful, but for consumer friendly record collection, go to and don't waste time on allmusic.
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