Review (May 2024)


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What are the monthly traffic metrics for 1fichier?

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How fast is 1fichier growing?

1fichier has grown by 6.5% in the last 6 months according to SimilarWeb.

How do people interact with 1fichier?

Last month, 1fichier received 39M visitors who spent an average of 3.8 minutes on the website and visited 2.0 different pages per session. Overall, 28% of people bounce on the first visit.

How do people find 1fichier?

8.2M people (21%) visit 1fichier directly. 162.2k (0%) people search for them in Google. Whereas, 630.8k (2%) discover 1fichier through Facebook, Reddit, and YouTube. 59.5k (0%) visitors come from 1fichier's email newsletters. Finally, 4.6M (12.0%) people come from affiliates and or paid referrals.

Who uses 1fichier?

1fichier's top market is the France and they receive 11M (28.4%) people.
Then the 2nd is Mexico with 3M (7.8%).
The 3rd is is United States with 1.9M (5.0%).

Traffic Growth (last 6 months)

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Traffic Growth (last 12 months)

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What do 1fichier's customers say about them?

Review Score


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2 Star
1 Star
Read reviews that mention

Poor Customer Service, Outdated UI

Reviewed on 2021-02-13T18:18:11

Emailing the Customer Service is almost pointless... They clearly have a poor grasp of English and can't communicate properly and professionally to inquiries.My IP was blocked, and my account was showing different error codes when attempting to download files. Their FAQ lists a large number of reasons why a user's IP Address may be temporarily banned. Obviously, its difficult for a user to avoid these bans if the reason why the ban occurred isn't clear. I asked them to clarify the exact reason why my IP was banned so I could prevent this from happening in the future. Their customer service responded back by linking to their FAQ and saying they have no more information while adding that they "do not provide any kind of reading assistance" Ironic that they try to insult a customer's ability to read while sending emails with poor grammar and spelling. Save your money, user a more reputable service.
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mick jones

The worst hosting "service" ever…

Reviewed on 2021-02-02T20:40:33

The worst hosting "service" ever existed. Disrespectful and helpless support, extremely poor.They cut your space from a day to another, forcing you to buy and hard drive to backup your files, and you have just a a few days to save your archives. The host don't work with the majority of browsers, don't work with the most known download manager, the servers are utter poor....Very shameful "service" and staff...
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Jarvell Scott

How do I delete and deactivate my…

Reviewed on 2021-01-11T14:41:11

How do I delete and deactivate my 11fichier account?

Bad Service, Company does not even speak English

Reviewed on 2020-11-25T15:04:11

Bad Service. No proper contact options, no live support. Company does not even speak English! I've been with a few hosters,such as Uploaded, Rapidgator, MEGA, and Multihosters. I've never had such trouble. Let alone that this Website is not in use ANYWHERE. I only found one site that uses it but its pointless. This site is useless in every way and you should definitily avoid it. Theres much better hosters around that give you proper value for the money.
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Karl Wagner


Reviewed on 2020-09-05T11:41:00

Crap! Worse upload speed I've seen (I use rclone) No problems at all with any of my otherproviders.
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Jose Emilio Leon

Best file hosting ever

Reviewed on 2020-03-25T16:19:29

Best file hosting ever. Cheat and the fastest download speed

Ditch 1fichier and go for Mega instead!

Reviewed on 2019-08-12T13:33:25

They expect people to wait 2 hrs between downloads or you pay them! Now, think about other filehosts: Mega for example.How much do they charge? Well, here's a quick hint: Nothing! I've been with Mega for quite some time and they never asked if I wanted to pay. These filthy f***s on the other hand want $1,-, what a bargain! Too bad, they will scam your a** and f*** your files after a certain amount of time. Mega is free and never did anything like this! There is also no 2hr cooldown because there is no cooldown. The cooldown is total BS and serves no purpose other than those kids who made 1fichier to cash in easy money for the old f***s who are so bad at technology that they can barely use a microwave. To sum it up: Don't trust this filehost, it was made by poor students who can probably barely afford their student home so they scam people for sh**s and giggles. Go for Mega instead, it is so much better than this pile of junk!
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Don't trust them

Reviewed on 2019-02-18T17:18:45

Don't trust them, i was good for a coupple of years with them, and then after all that time,after getting about 20TB of data backup there, suddenly they change their policies and want to charge me about 900% more that what i normally paid, fine they're allowed to change their policies whenever the see fit, so i tell them that i can't paid for the new rates, so they give me 14 days to backup my files, but all of the sudden they start to block mi STATIC IP every few hours so i can't download my data, so don't ever take your chances with tem, because if you want out, they're gonna fu** you over.
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